zarry asf

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Info: cliche: Zayn is popular: Harry is a nerd: Zayn is bi: Harry is gay.

3rd POV
Zayn walked through the the suit shop looking for a shirt that matched with Perrie's purple dress. He was getting ready for formal and him being nervous was an understatement.

He walked further through and saw Harry. He rolled his eyes at the curl my haired boy.

"What are you doing here?" Zayn snapped having no patience to deal with Harry.

"I work here." Harry said not looking up from the shirts he was folding.

Zayn sighed and rolled his eyes once more.

The nerd might as well help him.

"Do you have any purple long sleeve shirts?" Zayn asked.

"Follow me." Harry said in monotone.

Harry lead him to the back to show him the variety of different colored shirts.

Zayn scanned the racks and saw the perfect shade and pointed at it.

"I'll get that one." Zayn said and Harry got on the ladder and climbed to get the shirt.

He handed it to Zayn without a word. They walked to the front and Zayn bought the shirt.

He noticed a gray suit in the back that looked really nice.

"How much for that suit?" Zayn asked.

"It-it's not for sale." Harry said light blush appearing on his cheeks.

Zayn scoffed.

"You're not actually going, are you?"

"I might." Harry said barely audible.

"Nobody wants you there. You're just gonna ruin it for that rest of us, fucking loser." Zayn said, grabbed the bag and left.

Harry looked at the suit in question.

Should he go?

Louis, his best friend, would be expecting him... Plus he already paid.

He shrugged and decided to go.

"God, please help me." Harry sighed.


Zayn was in front of the mirror fixing his tie.

While pushing back a few strands of hair in place, he smiled in satisfaction. He sprayed some cologne on and walked out the room just to be greeted by a camera flash.

"Mum!" Zayn groaned rubbing his eyes.

"Actually, Safaa." Safaa grinned wicket behind the camera.

Zayn smiled and shoved her playfully.

"You look really nice, Z. Perrie's lucky." Doniya said adding some finishing touches to Zayn's suit.

"Thank you and yes she is. I mean look at me!" Zayn played.

He knew damn well he'd be the lucky one.

He started walking down the stairs he was greeted by his mom who was smiling proudly.

"Oh, my baby. All grown up." She said hugging him tightly. "But if you ever do anything to cross the line don't think I won't punish you." Trisha whispered in his ear. Zayn chuckled and shook his head.

"Me?! Never!" Zayn said sarcastically. Trisha smile and Zayn checked the time. "Oh. I have to go, mum! Bye!" He said quickly kissing his moms forehead and running out the door and into his car, a black Cadillac CTS.

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