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Michael Imagine (Pt. 1.): It had been 4 months since you last saw Michael. He was on Sounds Live Feels Live tour and you couldn't be happier for him. You wished he would take you along but rejected the suggestion fearing that the fans will conspire against you like they've done with Arzaylea. You understand and after 2 months you lost all hope on touring with him so Skype calls and text messages was as good as it was going to get. You saw the clips of concerts the fans would post and you couldn't help but tear up. Especially when he would start JBH and would pause. His smile was a symbol that he was truly happy and you couldn't help but smile along with the video. But it got to a point where you just missed Michael too much. And you guys ended having an argument about it. "Y/N, we aren't having this conversation!" Michael said rubbing his temple. "It's always YOU that has the final say so in everything isn't it!? I can't with you Michael. I physically can't deal with this anymore–" "Y/N. What the hell are you on about?" Michael said his full attention on you, worry in his eyes. "What else, Michael?! We have to break up. We have to. I can't do this. You said let's keep our relationship a secret from our friends and family, I agreed. You said let's keep it from the public, I agreed. I agreed to not coming on tour but this–this is just too much, Michael.." You said your eyes watering but trying to keep a firm voice. "No, no, no. Please, Y/N. I'm just trying to protect you, princess! I don't want you to get hurt–" "Oh, please, Michael. Your pulling the 'I don't want you to get hurt' card, really?!–" "What do you want me to say?! I'm your boyfriend! It's my job to protect you!" He said. "Yea.. Well not anymore." You mumbled. "Y/N.. Baby, please don't do this. I'll take a break and come visit you–anything just please don't do this.." He said tears rolling down his face. "What?! No! I could never allow that. It's just– I miss you so much, Mikey..." You mumbled letting the tears fall free. "And you think breaking up is going to make that better? Babe your not thinking straight. Try to go to sleep... I'll sing to you." He said. You smiled and you placed the laptop on the empty space beside you.. The place that would usually be taken up by Michael but wasn't for obvious reasons. "For a while we pretended that we never had to end it but we knew we had to say goodbye," he sang and oh closed your eyes. "You were crying at the airport when they finally closed the plane door I could barely hold it all inside," "Torn.. In two and I know I shouldn't tell you but I just can't stop thinking of you... Wherever you are, you. Wherever you are, every night I almost call you just to say it always will be you." After a while you had drifted off to sleep.

When you woke up you saw your laptop open but powered off. Everything came tumbling back to your memory and you couldn't believe you almost broke it off with Michael.

After freshening up you went downstairs and made some breakfast when you heard a knock on the door, mail guy. You thought and went to open it to see him walking away. You bent down and tossed the Mail on the counter knowing they would mostly all he bills you did NOT want to see. You continued eating and saw an envelope that you had never seen before.

It was from an airline. You frowned immediately opening it. "Can't wait to see you, babe. xx"
You smiled as your read the heartfelt note and saw the plane ticket to New York. It was dated to leave tomorrow so you instantly started packing.

Not before calling Michael. "Hellooo?" He said smiling. "You little hair color changing unicorn pizza slice.." You said laughing. "Thank you." You said holding the ticket in your hand. " I can't be away from you any longer. I don't care what the fans say. We'll get through it." He said and you nodded. "We definatley are, Michael Clifford, we are." -fast forward-

You had reached the pick up center and you saw a certain special blonde and you smiled instantly running towards Michael. "I can't believe I haven't seen you in almost 5 months–" you said but got interrupted by Michael's lips and usually you'd get mad at getting interrupted but this time.. You couldn't care less. "You are never leaving me again." He said hugging you and kissed you once more.

Hope you enjoyed! x

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