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I sat up, crossed legged and looked at Luke. I didn't want to wake him so I checked how much longer we had left of the flight and then went to the toilet. I came back from the toilet to see that Luke was awake and was sipping water from the cup in his hands. He looked up at me and grinned.

"Where'd you go"?

"I just went to the toilet" I answered.

"We only have 4 hours left of the flight" Luke told me.

"Great, I can't wait to spend two months in London" I said, jumping up and down, clapping my hands.


"Are you ready to step on English soil"? I giggled.

"I'm ready, I don't know about you" Luke laughed, swooping me up into a bridal style hold.

"Put me down, I'm way too heavy" I cried.

"Speak for yourself" Luke chuckled.

He carried me from the tarmac to the big double doors of Heathrow airport. He set me down and grabbed our bags form the air steward, who had been carrying them for us.

"Okay do you wanna grab our bags, a coffee, and then go"? Luke asked.

"Yeah sounds great, do you want me to get the coffees"?

"Sure" he called turning towards the luggage carousel.

I walked over to the coffee bar and waited in the queue. I looked over to the carousel and saw Luke hauling my bag off it. He saw me and smiled. I turned around smiling and walked to the counter. I ordered our favourite.

"Two cappuccino’s please".

"Anything else"? The barista asked.

"Extra chocolate" I asked hopefully.

"That's 7 pounds and 90 pence" the barista told me, hand stretched out.

I handed her the money and walked over to where Luke was standing with our suitcases.

"Here you are" I said handing his cappuccino over to him. "Do we have anymore bags"?

"Yeah just your butterfly one" he told me, taking a sip of his drink.

The butterfly bag was coming round and was near us when some guy grabbed it and started running.

"My bag" I cried.

Luke looked at me and immediately started running after him. Luke was a fast runner so he caught up to him quickly. Luke grabbed the guys shoulder and stopped him. He took the bag and started walking towards me, when the guy punched him in the nose. Luke cursed and punched the guy in the jaw. The man stumbled backward and security grabbed him and started leading him away. Luke came back with my suitcase in hand. He put it down next to the others and wiped away some blood from his nose.

"Here, I have some antiseptic and tissues in my bag, just hang on while I get them out" I said as I rummaged around my bag for the items.

When I found them I sprayed the antiseptic onto the tissue and pressed it against his nose. Luke winced in pain.

"Sorry and thanks for getting my bag" I said turning over the tissue.

"Don't worry about it" Luke smiled, taking the tissue and throwing it into the bin.

I got a luggage trolley and wheeled it over to where Luke was holding his suitcase. He loaded our suitcases onto the trolley and started to wheel it to the exit. We got outside and I hailed a taxi. The taxi man got out and loaded the suitcases into the back. I slide into the taxi and drag Luke in with me.

"Where to"? The taxi driver asks.

"The Dorchester Hotel" I tell him.

"Expensive place" he replies, driving off.

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