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 Blair's P.O.V

I opened my eyes to see I was in my spacious hotel room. I went to get up but I fell back on the bed. I felt groggy and my head was pounding like a drum being abused by some middle age rocker. My alarm clock went off and I went to reach over to my bed side cabinet to turn it off but it wasn't there. There was no bed side cabinet! I looked around the room more closely now, examining every object. 

The room I was in was strikingly a lot like the room I was staying in although there were little differences. The bed frame was oak and the ensuite was on the left rather than the right. The carpets were a soft cream colour, the curtains beige and a stand up lamp was standing by the bed instead of the bed side cabinet.

Where was I? I couldn't recall anything from last night. Where was Luke? I saw a white men’s T-shirt and black pants strewn across the back of a black arm chair and matching shoes underneath. Oh God, what did I do last night? Those clothes looked familiar, too familiar. I tried to remember where I had seen them before. My mind was blurred; I couldn't think properly never mind remember anything. I heard a loud banging on the door.

"Open up" a male voice shouted through the door.

I dragged the covers up over me in fright. Should I answer? No, he doesn't know I'm in here yet.

Bang, bang, bang.

I stifled a scream.

Bang, bang, bang. Then silence. My heart was beating louder and faster than a steam train so I couldn't be sure he was gone. I listened very carefully, trying to slow my breathing down.

"One sheep, two sheep, three sheep" I murmured to myself trying to calm down.

A couple of minutes had gone past and there was no more banging. I slowly eased my self out of the comfortable bed. Bang. The doors flew open and he stood there glaring at me.

"Luke" I cried running to him.

"Blair" he sighed in relief, pulling me into a hug.

We stood in the door way hugging for a couple of minutes when Luke pulled away. He put his hands on my shoulders and stared into my eyes.

"Blair I'm so glad you're safe" Luke whispered in my ear.

I shivered slightly at his cool breath. He leaned in closer to me, wrapping his protective arms around me.

"Morning you two" Harry said walking out of the bathroom wearing a white towel round his waist.

"Um, hi" I mumbled, stepping away from Luke, embarrassed.

"What the hell man, who you think you are kidnapping Blair" Luke yelled, storming up to Harry.

"I am pretty sure I'm Harry Styles, but if I'm wrong I'll have Blair give you my number" Harry said looking around Luke to wink at me.

"Come on Blair let's go to our hotel" Luke said pulling me away.

"I think you will find that we are staying in the same hotel" Harry smirked.

"Right my mistake, goodbye" Luke said opening the door.

"Luke stop, I want to know what happened last night" I said unclasping Luke's hand off my wrist.

"Well if you want we can go get coffee, if that's alright with your boyfriend" Harry laughed.

"He is not my boyfriend" I muttered under my breath as I turned to face Luke.

"Okay Luke and I will meet you at the nearest Starbucks in ten minutes" I called as Luke and I walked out the door.

"Okay meet you there in ten" Harry chuckled to himself, walking back in the bathroom.

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