Baby Mabel

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Pairing: None
Type o's Story: Comedy/Family

While searching for stuff in the forest with Dipper, Mabel stumbled upon a rock that if a person touches it, they get younger.

"The stone of youth? Pfft, like that's even possible," said Mabel.

Mabel touches the rock and she starts glowing, just then her body starts shrinking and her braces disappear. Mabel is now the size of a 9 month old baby. She then signals Dipper by crying.

Dipper comes to her aid.

"Must you touch everything?" Dipper asked.

Mabel then babbles.

"Oh right babies can't talk," said Dipper

"No duh captain obvious," Mabel thought, "Oh come on why couldn't I say that before I turn into a baby."

"Better take you back to the shack," said Dipper, "Great Uncle Ford might have a way to turn you back to normal."

Time skip to the shack.

Mabel was crawling around in her tiny sweater and a makeshift diaper made out of an old sweater.

"Really glad that two toed sloth one did badly," Mabel thought.

Just then Grunkle Stan walks in and notices Mabel crawling.

"Uh why is there a tiny version of Mabel on the floor?" Grunkle Stan asked.

"Mabel touched some rock which makes people younger and I think you can tell what happened next," said Dipper.

Mabel notices Stan and then screams in terror.

"Oh yeah, she was afraid of seeing me when you 2 were that age," said Grunkle Stan.

"It still scares me now," Mabel thought.

Just then Mabel poops.

"Not it!" said Dipper.

"Not it!" said Stan, "Son of a..."

Dipper hands Stan Mabel.

"Just change her," said Dipper, "By the way do you where Ford is?"

"He's out getting some gold to make some ray gun thingy work," said Stan.

Stan then changes Mabel's "diaper".

Stan hands her back to Dipper.

"Now if you need me I going to tell lazy Susan in person to stop calling me," said Stan, "Our date went well but the phone bill is through the roof."

One hour later.

Mabel was crawling around with the TV playing Shimmery TwinkleHeart. Dipper was sitting on the chair when he feels his hat missing. He looks down and sees Mabel wearing his hat giggling.

"Aw that's cute," said Dipper.

"Really when I did it last week you called it stupid but now your calling it cute," Mabel thought, "Oh right I'm currently a baby."

Mabel crawls to Dipper and gets on his lap.

"I'm not going to lie you do look cute," said Dipper.

"Haha got you to admit I'm cute," Mabel thought.

Just then Ford comes in with a brick of gold. He then sees the infant Mabel.

"Let me guess, Stone of Youth?" Ford asked.

"How did you know?" Dipper asked.

"This isn't my first rodeo, I originally used it on the old mayor, unfortunately it turns out he was allergic to anything related to geology," said Ford.

"How's that possible?" Dipper asked.

Ford shrugs.

"Well luckily I know away to get her back to normal," said Ford, "Quick question is she allergic to brown sugar?"

"Nope, though she throws up when she eats sushi," said Dipper.

"Well duh who eats raw fish?" Mabel thought.

30 minutes later they were down in his workshop.

"Okay are you sure this is safe?" Dipper asked.

"This isn't the first time, this happened to my lab assistant 5 times," said Ford.

Ford finishes the solution and pours it into a baby bottle.

"Okay Mabel drink up," said Ford.

Mabel then drinks the solution and then just like magic her body reverts back to normal.

"Oh my gosh it felt so weird t be a baby again," said Mabel.

"Again?" Dipper asked.

"Shut up stupid," said Mabel.

They both laugh.

"Welp time to take this diaper off," said Mabel.

"Uh I recommend you hold off on that for the next 5 hours," said Ford, "your insides are like a 9 month old, but luckily it's temporary."

"Okay that explains why I'm peeing right now," said Mabel.

"Not it!" said Dipper.

"Not it!" said Ford, "I hate this game."

A/N: Hope you like this one shot I thought about it myself, anyway this was all in the name of comedy. Okay I'll see yo next time.

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