Live Long and Prosper (A Gravity Falls Tribute to Star Trek/Dipcifica)

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Pairing: Dipcifica
Summary: Dipper teaches Pacifica about the amazing world as Star Trek, written in honor of it's 50th anniversary on September 8th 2016.

Dipper and Pacifica are currently sitting in Pacifica's new house, since the Northwest lost their mansion, they moved into a house, Preston and Priscilla wanted to move into another mansion, but Pacifica demanded a normal house because she wants a normal life, they are sitting in her room looking for something on TV.

"Hey there having a Star Trek Marathon on BBC America," said Dipper.

"What in the heck is a Star Trek?" Pacifica asked.

Dipper spit takes his drink.

"What? Are you serious?" Dipper asked.

"No I don't know what that is," said Pacifica.

"Well time to give my girlfriend a little history lesson," said Dipper.

Dipper crosses his legs.

"In 1966, Gene Roddenberry created one where Space is the Final Frontier, The Stories of the Starship Enterprise and it's crew," said Dipper, "James T Kirk, played by TV/Movie legend William Shatner, was the captain of their many adventures, along with his team composed of Commander Spock from the planet Vulcan, Lieutenant Commanders Leonard "Bones" McCoy and Montgomery "Scotty" Scott."

"Wait is a Vulcan that alien with the pointy ears?" Pacifica asked.

"Bingo!" said Dipper, "Now let me continue, there's also Lieutenants Nyota Uhura, and Hikaru Sulu, and Ensign Pavel Chekov."

"Oh so it's basically a flight crew but in space?" Pacifica asked.

Dipper then cringes.

"Just watch," said Dipper.

8 hours later.

"Well what did you think?" Dipper asked.

"I think it's great, I get why you like this nerdy show," said Pacifica.

"Next week I should show you Star Wars," said Dipper.

"Actually I already know that, my mom is a sci-fi nerd," said Pacifica, "She never really cared for Star Trek because it didn't have light sabers."

Dipper then checks his watch.

"Oh I got to go," said Dipper.

He kisses her cheek.

"I'll see you later," said Dipper.

Dipper then gets up.

"Dipper wait," said Pacifica.

He turns around.

Pacifica makes the Vulcan hand gesture.

"Live Long and Prosper," said Pacifica.

A/N: Happy 50th anniversary Star Trek, keep going where no one has gone before.

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