My Baby Girl (Based in the 16 and Pregnant saga)

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Pairing: None.
Characters: Dipper and Arianna Pines.
Synopsis: Dipper has a daddy/daughter day with 2 year old Arianna.

Arianna was laying in her toddler bed when her daddy, Dipper, woke her up.

"Morning Baby Girl," said Dipper.

Arianna opens her eyes.

"DADDY!" said Arianna.

Arianna gave Dipper a hug.

"How's daddy's favorite girl?" Dipper asked while he tickled her tummy.

Arianna laughs.

Dipper then checks her diaper.

"Looks like Ari is stinky, it's okay daddy will get you all clean and dry," said Dipper.

Arianna just giggles.

Dipper changes her diaper and get her dressed.

"Who's Daddy's princess," said Dipper as he poked Arianna's nose causing her to giggle.

Dipper picks up Arianna and takes her downstairs.

"Daddy's got nowhere to go today so it's just you and me all day baby girl," said Dipper.

"Woohoo," said Arianna.

"So what do you wanna do today?" Dipper asked.

Arianna starts thinking.

"Pwaygwound!" said Arianna.

"Okay lets get you dressed and we'll go to the playground," said Dipper.

"Yay!" said Arianna.

Dipper gets her dressed in a pink t shirt with a picture of Princess Ariel from the little mermaid on it and a tutu.

He then place her in her stroller and they walked to the park.

While walking a butterfly flew by Arianna.

"Ooh," said Arianna.

Arianna tries to grab the butterfly with her hands but to no avail.

"Uh peanut buttew," said Arianna.

Dipper starts laughing.

"You're so adorable baby girl," said Dipper.

"I know daddy," said Arianna.

They arrive at the playground a few minutes later.

Dipper places Arianna on the swing set and starts pushing her.

"Higher daddy higher," said Arianna.

Dipper pushes her higher.

"I better not push you two high you might kick an alien in the face," said Dipper.

Arianna laughs at her daddy's joke.

2 minutes later Arianna wants to get off the swing set.

"Daddy can we go on the slide?" Arianna asked.

"Sure Ari," said Dipper.

Dipper takes her UPS the slide and then she goes down.

"Again, again!' said Arianna.

Dipper pushes her down the slide 9 more times until Arianna started to get sleepy.

"I think it's time for my baby girl to take a nap," said Dipper.

Dipper picks her up and places her in the stroller when she immediately falls asleep.

He tames her back home and places her in her bed, and places her blankie around here.

"Sweet dreams princess," said Dipper.

Dipper then leaves the room.

About an hour later he heard Arianna crying in terror.

"What wrong Arianna?" Dipper asked.

"Daddy, there was a monstah chasing aftew me," said Arianna.

Dipper comforts his crying daughter.

"It's okay baby girl you just had a nightmare, it's okay the monster won't harm you ever again," said Dipper, "And I have something to stop it from happening again."

Dipper leaves for a second and comes back holding something.

"This is a dream father, if you get another bad dream, this thing with catch it and yo have sweet dreams forever," said Dipper.

Dipper places the dream catcher over her bed.

"Tank ohh daddy," said Arianna.

"Anytime baby girl, anytime," said Dipper.

Dipper then smells something foal.

"I think your nightmare literally scared the poopy out of you," said Dipper as he tickled her tummy causing her to laugh.

Dipper then changes her diaper.

"I love you daddy," said Arianna.

"I love you too baby girl," said Dipper.

A/N: Cuteness level: OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay see yah next time.

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