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I woke up and looked at the clock. 8:00. I went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My neck had small bruises from where he had his hands last night. I sat down and hugged my knees to my chest and cried for a while. I can't do this anymore. I took a shower then got dressed. He was still laying under the blankets. This is the last time he gets to sleep in this bed. I went downstairs and made some coffee and a bowl of cereal. The girls started coming down to make their breakfast. They were all chatting and making plans for the day. I could feel my heart in my throat. I got up and rinsed the bowl out in the sink. Hank finally came downstairs.

"Good morning baby," he said with that stupid grin on his face.

He kissed me. I pulled away from him.

"Come on. What's wrong?"

I took a step back from him.

"You know what's wrong. I need you to get your things and leave."

He looked at me like I had slapped him.

"I'm not leaving. We've already had this talk. You can't make me leave."

You could hear a pin drop.

"Yes I can. I don't care who you have to call to pick you up or where you go when you leave, but you are in my hou-"

He grabbed my wrists and jerked me towards him.

"Shut up. I'm staying. End of discussion."

His nails were digging into my skin. I let out a small cry of pain. He let go then looked up at everyone else in the room. He shook his head and went back upstairs, mumbling under his breath the whole time. I didn't know what to do. He's never blatantly hurt me like that in front of people.


Misty walked over to me. I let her look at my wrist. Some of the marks he left were already starting to bruise and one was bleeding a little. She hugged me and rubbed my back.

"Do you wanna talk about it now?"

I nodded and I wrapped my arms around her. I could feel her heart racing. We pulled away from each other and sat down at the table across from Zoe.

"So, um, I don't really know where to begin, but-"

I heard a the thud of my door slamming upstairs. Oh no. I took a deep breath and collected my thoughts.

"Hank doesn't know how to keep his hands to himself or his voice at a reasonable volume and I'm sick and fucking tired of it. He makes my life so miserable and I needed to say something in front of you all because I thought he wouldn't hurt me but..." I motioned to my wrist.

He entered the kitchen and glared at me like a big man baby. Why didn't I do this sooner?

"Who are you talking about? Because I sure as hell hope you aren't talking about me."

"I am. You just did all that in front of them and expect to not deal with the consequences? It's over, Hank. Get your stuff and get the fuck out of this house."

He charged at me and knocked into me so hard that I fell out of my chair and the table slid into Zoe, knocking the air out of her. My face hit the ground hard. He was getting ready for a punch when Misty grabbed his arm and the rest of the girls got up and held him back.

"Get off of her!" Madison yelled.

They pulled him off.

"Holy shit." Zoe said.

Misty helped me up. Queenie and Madison were still pulling him back.

"Come on, Delia. Let's get you out of here," Misty said, cupping my face in her hand as she helped me up.

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