2. Second Chance

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You silently looked out the car window, watching the world as you passed it by. Waking up at 9am, you helped Cross pack her things. She wasn't taking everything, just what was hers. You never actually unpacked so you were ready to go. The packing took until 2pm and you were driving to your new destination.

A moving truck followed behind Cross' car. The logo was weird, it had a flying bird flying through a mail box with letters flying out. You ponder the logo until Cross snaps you out of your thoughts by clearing her throat.

"What you say?" You ask. She giggled in response, then answered, "Are you hungry? We're about to pass by [F/R] (Favorite Restraunt)

You gasp dramatically. "YES I WANT FOOOOOOD" You drag the 'o's a little excessively, causing Cross to burst into a laughing fit. She signalled the moving truck drivers and turned into [F/R]. You literally jump out of the car, eager to get your hands on some [F/F] (favorite food) and [F/S/D] ( favorite side dish).

Cross followed more slowly, locking up the cat and conversing with the moving truck drivers. You all head inside to eat.  The truck drivers didn't sit with you, but we're close enough to know when to leave.

The waiter comes up and you ask for your favorite drink. Cross requests a Dr. Pepper and the waiter walks away to get your drink choices. You get out your phone, looking through your photos. You didn't have many, not much to want to remember. But the ones you did save left a smile on your face. Your knocked out of your thoughts when the waiter returns to your table with the drinks you ordered. You drink half of it almost immediately, being thirsty from sitting in the car forever.

She asked what you'd like to eat. You spill out your food choices, and she scribbles down the information. Cross asks for a simple burger and a plate of fries. You look at her with a dumb expression.

"What?" She asks, cluelessly looking at you with those gorgeous eyes. "That's all your gonna get? B-b-but they have like the best food ever here!!"

The table is silent for a moment, before Cross covers her mouth with the back of her hand and starts laughing. You tilt your head in confusion.

She sighs, half laughing, then explains, "You see monsters don't depend on food to sustain our energy and health. Though we eat food we can go weeks without food or water if need be. Our magic supplies most of our energy, magic also uses what little food we ingest and turns it into energy. We often have too much energy from eating daily, but most monsters don't take our health seriously."

"Hmmm..." You hum, rubbing your chin. "What happens if a monster has too much energy?"

Cross' ear twitches, and she's silent for a minute, as if in deep thought, then she replies, "Monsters who don't look after they're health often end up with too much energy. With all that energy, it can cause that monster's emotions to change, because your body wants to get rid of the extra energy, and they sometimes loose their minds. Either that or if they have a closer internal system to humans they just become fat and overweight."

Your brain hurts from all that information. Cross' eyes follow your head as it drops onto the table, creating a thud sound. Cross pokes you and whisper shouts, "You alive?"

"I guess I just don't have a stomach for this information." Cross understood what you were doing. "Oh come on you gotta be kidneying me. It's not that hard to understand."

You both burst into a pit of laughter at the horrible horrible (Horrible! X[ ) puns. You both quiet down as the waiter returns with your food. You chow down, Cross finishes before you and watches you eat.

(smol timeskip brought to you by a sexy snow leopard named Cross)

You pat your belly, exhaling satisfied with your full stomach. Cross puts money on in the check, and she gives money to the truck drivers to pay for their meals as well.

You all herd outside, the drivers getting in the moving truck and you two getting in Cross' big truck. You drive out of the parking lot back onto the highway.

(Another timeskip brought by the ambassador of the underground)

You practically ran inside the house, rushing into all the rooms, checking things out. You ran into the master bedroom, and gawked at how much space their was, the bathroom was pretty roomy too. The bath tub even had jets! You walk out of the room, only to bump into Cross.

"Hey Cross! This is the master bedroom right here so you should go ahead and take it since your the one paying the rent n'stuff."

"Actually, [Y/N] I was going to give this room to you." She replied, your expression changes from giddy to surprise.

"Are you sure? I mean the guest bedroom doesn't even HAVE a bathroom. You'll have to use the hallway one and-" You speak out but are interrupted by Cross.

"You forget Monsters don't have digestive systems, we don't use the bathroom. Plus I may be an unusually big monster, but it doesn't mean I need the biggest room in the house. I mean the whole house itself is pretty big, so the guest bedroom is pretty roomy. Plus there's always the spare bedroom."

Her argument was good, but you felt like you didn't deserve the master bedroom. "But Cross, I'd feel bad. I mean this is your house."

"And this is your new home. I want you to feel welcome. Don't feel bad, I'm giving this to you, it's not like I'm not giving you a choice. If your really that uncomfortable being in the biggest bedroom in the house we can move you, but I want you to at least TRY to settle in this room."

"Plus I know your cluster-phobic." She adds. You decide to take the gift she's giving. "Ok Cross, I'll stay in the room. But if your ever need a bigger place to sleep I want you to tell me," You grab her hands, "Ok?"

She grips your hands gently. "Ok." She promised. You let her hands go and she flees to the outside to grab another box. You set down your bag in the room and walk out to help unpack.

Uhhhmmmmm.... This was all I could do for this chapter. But d-don't worry! I-I'll have Sans in the story on the next chapter! Yeah! I-I-I promise!! Hehehe!


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