9. An unexpected visit

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Ever since you worked on that project with Sans, Cross has been teasing the hell out of you. It was starting to bug you, but you love Cross too much to make anything out of it. After all it would all blow over eventually. Right?

It was the weekend and you had decided to be a couch potato for basically the whole day. Doing nothing but snacking on your favorite chips and bench watching Netflix. You heard a knock on the front door, picking up the remote to pause Netflix then setting it back down on the coffee table. Opening the door, you were surprised to see a tall slim figure in front of you. Her fur was white with ears that fluffed out perfectly, she had a sincere smile on her face with the sweetest eyes. "I'm sorry do I have the wrong house?" She asked, shying away slightly. You were about to reply then Cross called out from behind you.

"Toriel!!" She squealed, the woman gingerly sliding past you and enclosing Cross in a bear hug. The two seemed to know each other very well. And it looked like it'd been awhile since they had seen each other.

You smiled at the heartwarming scene. Cross broke the hug, and intertwined her fingers with Toriel's, looking to you. "I'm sorry [Y/N], where are my manners. This is my best friend from back in our youth. Her name is Toriel."

You laughed, "It's ok, nice to meet you, I'm [Y/N]."

"Nice to meet you too, Sweety. And you can call me Tori."

They turn back to each other, giggling like a bunch of school girls. "What do you wanna do?" Toriel asked, Cross shrugged, "It's been so long! I just wanna hear everything!" Cross was so chirpy now. She seemed happier now that Toriel was around, it made you melt at that.

"There's so much to tell you!" Toriel cried in a hyper tone.

*timeskip brought to you by goat mom*

"Wait so Asgore fainted when you told him you were pregnant with Asriel?" Cross scoffed amused.

"Yep." Toriel giggled.

You laughed too. It was interesting to hear all these stories about Cross and her best friend. Her adventures, and what she went through. In fact you learned a lot.

It turned out that during the war Cross had been used as a decoy to distract the humans while everyone fled to the underground. When the humans caught wind on what was happening, they sealed the monsters that had escaped into the caverns in. Cross had avoided that fate, but at the cost of solitude and a life of hiding.

She had encountered humans during her travels, merciful and bloodthirsty all the same. Cross had never engaged them in a fight. She was against it, she was tired of the endless fued. Even if it was brought to a halt.

Then the ambassador, as they now call her freed the monsters. And Cross caught wind of it almost immediately. But so did the humans. It took a lot of courage for that little girl to stand in front of world officials, representing the monsters.

And she convinced them to give monsters another chance. But what baffled you the most was, this all happened while you were a baby.

Cross had been reunited with her lost friends, family, finally able to explore how she wanted, without trailing through shadows and weaving around humans.

You teared up at that story, rubbing your eyes and turning away to shield your brimming eyes.

"Oh! Do you remember Papyrus?" Tori inquired.

"How could I not, that little guy was always the GREATEST." Cross sighed happily, looking back at the memories.

"Well it turns out his little brother is going to high school." Toriel revealed.

"Oh? And who is this said little brother?" Cross squinted, a smirk forming on her lips.


That caught your attention.

Toriel knew Sans..?

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