3. New School pt1

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A clock screaming at you caused you to wake up. You growl and slap the clock to turn off the alarm. It doesn't work. You sigh and turn it off for real, stretching you groggily slide out of bed. You grab clothes from your closet. [Insert favorite outfit here]

You chose your outfit and headed for the bathroom to take a shower. After the shower you headed into the kitchen to see Cross already fixing breakfast. Pancakes... Yum. You groan with annoyance still tired. Cross notices you and starts snickering, then asking, "Did you get a good sleep last night?" You shake your head and yawn.

"Not a morning person huh?" She questions. You shake your head again. She sets you a plate of pancakes. She grabs the butter and syrup and also sets it on the table. "How do you like your coffee?" She asks, pouring some into a mug. "Uhm... Cream and three sugars...?" She pours the cream into the mug, and grabs three sugar cubes from a jar, putting them in.

Cross sets the mug on the table next to your food. She looks at you, "Well are you just gonna sit there or eat your breakfast?"

"I think I'll let it stay there." You tease. She pouts. "Ok ok thanks."

She makes a face, sitting down with a small cup of coffee, you stare at her confused. She notices quickly, "What?"

"I thought you said- about the food- uh..." Cross starts laughing hysterically, as if you just made the best pun in the world. This time it's you asking, "What?!"

"It's just, you misunderstand. When I say consuming food for humans and monsters is different, I didn't go into the better detail. Which is that it depends on the type of food. Remember, we don't have digestive systems in the sense of a human digestive system. The food dissolves turning into magic and supplying our equally complex body systems. If it's not food made of what we monsters eat, magic food, something like that, like human food, it takes a lot longer to properly 'digest' the sustenance."

You whack your head on the table and groan in frustration at the lecture. "It's too early for sciencey mumbo jumbo." Cross scoffs at your remark. "Your such a lazyass."

"I'm just tiiirreeed."

"Eat your food, [Y/N]."

"Ok..." You let your face fall into your pancakes.



This is all I got done before I disappeared for... What a few weeks? A month? *shrugs*

Well this is part 1! I plaaan on doing the rest of the chapper tomorrow, but my sleeping schedule got messed up because my mum(adoptive) wanted us all to go to a firework show. She just got out of the hospital so we weren't gonna say no, but it was such a hassle getting her up there with having to use a wheelchair n'stuff cause it was on a hill, and oh I'm rambling. But I also wanna say, I really really really wanna start a septiplier book, but I dunno what it should be about, I plan on adding an OC I've brilliantly prepared in the back of my mind. I have some ideas, but I need some feedback.

1. Darkiplier/ Antisepticeye. Basically their still learning about and how to control their evil forms, and have to work through how to stop themselves from tearing each other to pieces. Emotionally and Physically.

2. Crazy Fan (OC) The septiplier ship has sailed, fangirls are screaming their heads off in front of their computer screens. Except one. Jack's secret admirer. She'll do anything to split them apart, even if it means getting things a little messy along the way.

3. They can't realize they love each other. It's one of those stories that make you want to throw your phone(or compudder) Their so close to a sappy love moment, then something comes along and ruins it. Plus their both extremely clueless to their feelings for each other.

Those are all the ideas so far. (Please dont hate me for shipping septiplier, I don't bug mark or jack about the ship, and frankly, I don't know much about them since I only recently discovered them. In fact after I finish the chapper tomorrow I might to a MARKIPLATHON AND A JACKSEPTICATHON. XD JUDGE MY CRAZY PLEZ.)

Cast your votes, (if your not a fan I'm sowwy to cause u trouble)


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