6. The Walk Home

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"Are you sure you'll be alright?" Cross' concerned voice inquired through the phone.

"Yes Cross I'll be fine. The walk isn't long at all. I'll be home before you know it." You assured.

"Ok, but if you need anything at all call me and I'll come get you."

"No problem."

The line went dead and you slipped the phone back into your pocket. The school day had just ended and you decided to walk home since Cross was at work.

The school yard was hustling with other students and cats were lined to the street to pick them up. You stared at all of the parents and felt your heart sink, 'Why couldn't my parents be like that?' You thought.

The thought didn't linger as you kept a mild stride going down the road. You didn't like having to go through the city but it was the fastest way to get home.

When you were about half way through town you felt as if you were being watched. You felt a prickly feeling of anxiety pick at you as you kept along.

As you walk by an alley your concerns of being watched were confirmed as you were forcefully pulled into the alley. Before you realized what was going on you were pinned to brick wall with your hands held above your head. Your captor breathed down your neck seductively, making you shiver in fear.

You struggled relentlessly to escape the man, it being entirely useless as your size compared to his was tiny. He only laughed at you and pressed you against the wall more, much to your discomfort. "Hel-" you screamed, but was cut off as the man violently covered your mouth. It caused you to bite your lip, and you were surprised when you could taste the blood coming from it.

You closed your eyes and winced away from the man, afraid of what he'd do next. But nothing else happened. You open your eyes to realize he was floating, with a yellow aura surrounding him. It wasn't his doing, he seemed to be struggling.

Suddenly he was thrown into the brick wall, with enough force that you could see cracks in the wall. You looked around frantically, afraid that'd be you next, only to find Sans standing at the edge of the alley, his eye glowing yellow and a concerned look pointed at you.


This was all I could get done before school, sorry it's so short. I promise to update again sometime this weekend.

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