4. New School pt2

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You stretch your arms in the air as you yawn. Cross had woken you up all the way by pouring water on you. You had to change into your second favorite outfit since the first one got wet.

You throw your soggy water pancakes away, and sigh as your stomach growls. Cross had changed into a black blouse with a denim jacket, along with faded navy skinny jeans and pumps. She grabbed her handbag and pulled the keys from one of the pockets.

You both exit the house, Cross locked the door, handing you the key, "It's a spare in case the door's locked and I'm not home."

You nod, pulling your phone out of your back pocket to check the time. 7:20am. School started at 8:15, so you had plenty of time to get there. You realize you had no school supplies, you voice to Cross, "What about school supplies?" Cross looks at you. "The teachers will make a list for you of what you need for their classes. I did do research on the school district around here."

You ponder why she did that, considering you only came along last minute. You shake it off more worried about getting to school. You rush into the car. Cross started up the engine and you both drove off.


Cross slowed to a stop, putting the car in park at the front of the school, you feel a rush of anxiety hit you as you look at all the students, both human and monster, bustling in the school grounds. Cross catches your attention, "Don't worry, you'll be fine. Remember you have my number if you need anything."

You nod your head at Cross, saying goodbye. You exit the car, waking to the first step. You pause, looking at the statue placed at the top of the stairs, that students seemed to vanish past into the school doors.

It was a Phoenix. It loomed above, it's wings curled towards you, it's talons glinted in front of it, making it look like it was swooping down to attack. The beak was open, a sneer plastered on the Pheonix's face, signalling a mighty screech from it. The tail is what held the statue on the pedastool. It flew under it, touching the ground, it twisted forward to curl with the frame of the pedastool. The entire statue glowed with gold, the only thing simply stone was it's pedastool.
(Couldn't think of a word beside pedastool xp)

You rush up the steps in front of it, it's size grew greatly, a shadow looming down over your head. You read the plate nailed to the stone. "The Phoenix of Life. This mighty mythical creature was said to create all humans and monsters, as well as many of the naturally born animals today."

"That big bird is the mascot." You hear a voice say. The pitch was deep, with an eerie growl to it. But at the same time it was soothing. You turn to see a skeleton, wearing a jacket with no shirt, shorts and sneakers. You jump at his appearance.

"What's wrong newbie? Afraid of a little skeleton?" Little? He was twice your size! Granted you were naturally short this guy was still a giant compared to you!

"Uh...." You had no words, anxiety gnawed at you every second he was near. Your socially awkward, and terribly shy.

Your anxiety got to you, and you bolted, running into the building you looked around quickly, noticing a sign saying, "Office ->" above a hallway leading the the right. You scramble that way, turning into the hall. The office door sticks out like a sore thumb as it was decorated with different colored letters telling you that it was the office.

You open the door and walk in, you were greeted with a silent lady sitting at the desk, seemingly ignoring you. She was a sheep, looking into her magazine she hardly realized a human standing right in front of her. You clear your throat, catching her attention. "Ah, you must be the new student. [F/N]

You nod. She closes the magazine and looks into a file. She pulls out a folder and hands it to you. "Make sure the information in this file is correct."

Oh shiz.

You read through it. The information surprisingly had changed. Instead of your parents in the file it was Cross. You realize she must have enrolled you and fixed the info herself. You look through, making sure your birthday, phone numbers, etc were correct.

You hand her the file, and she puts it back. She then pulls out a map and schedule. "This is your schedule for this semester, your locker combination and number is on here. Make sure you use the map to avoid getting lost. Also, here's a pink slip. Just in case you are late the teachers will know your new and cut you some slack. Also~" she pulls out a book, "this is the student handbook. Make sure to read through it and follow the rules set for you."

You murmur a thank you, leaving the office and taking a peek at your schedule. First period is Latin. You look at the time. 8:06am. You decided to begin getting to class.


You trip into the classroom as the late bell rings. The students all look at you and laugh. The teacher helps you up, "Ah you must be the new student. Would you mind introducing yourself to the class?" You rub your arm and whisper, "I guess."

Somehow he heard you and chirped, "Great!"

You struggle to get your voice high enough, "Hello my name is....." Your voice trails off. Everyone looks at you weirdly. "I-I'm [Y/N]."

"Welcome to the class [Y/N]. Why don't you take a seat next to Sans?" He points to something in the back. When you look to who he's pointing at your heart drops. He was pointing to the guy you ran away from in front of the school.

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