Chapter 14

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Harry kept hold of me like that for what seemed like forever. He kissed the back of my head and squeezed my hips, humming softly in my ear. Despite my anxiety bubbling over like boiling water, I felt slightly better there. I could feel him breathing slowly against my chest. It was comforting.

We were going to need to start making some decisions about what to do. Surely the video had hit already by this time. I was scared to even look at my phone.

I heard someone clearing their throat behind me. Harry turned us to see Niall standing in the doorway, his hands shoved in his pockets. He could obviously feel the tension in the room,

"Uh...Management is callin'....and Lucy's askin' bout dinner. I was gonna go get her somethin' but the reporters at the gate have doubled."

Harry nodded,

"We'll be out in a minute."

Niall took a breath,

"Jess has an idea....I think it's batshit crazy but....she insists on you hearing it."

I raised my eyebrows,


Niall shrugged,

"Yeah...I mean...she's not so bad. Course I ain't tellin' her that."

Harry removed a hand from my hip to run down his face,

"Ok. Tell her we'll listen."

Niall shot us one more look, studying us closely before he turned to walk out of the room. Harry kissed the side of my head,

"You feeling better?"

I shrugged,

"I guess." He released me from his grasp and turned me to look at him,

"Look at me." When my eyes met his, he lifted his hand to my chin, "It's gonna be ok. I am not going anywhere."

I smiled weakly. He threaded his fingers through mine and led me out of the room to the kitchen.

Jessica was sitting in front of her laptop at the kitchen table. Her bag was poured out on the table, all the pictures from the paparazzi's camera sprawled across the surface. Her red hair was pulled back into a messy bun, secured with a Bic pen stabbed through it. She wore glasses apparently because they were perched on the end of her nose as she stared at her screen.

Niall nodded his head to her and rolled his eyes,

"Someone's made themselves at home."

Jessica looked up, having just noticed we were in the room. She took her glasses off and stood up,

"Good, I'm glad you're here." She clapped her hands together, "I have an idea...."

Harry looked over at me and then back at her, his eyebrows raised,


She took my hands and led me over to the kitchen table. She sat me down in the chair across from hers,

"We do an interview. Me and Harry. I'll point blank ask him why he lied."

Niall scoffed,

"That's your brilliant idea? You made it sound like you were gonna fix everythin'."

She shot him a cold stare for a moment and then looked back at me,

"I know it sounds risky....but these interviews generally do very well for people. Lance Armstrong with Oprah. Diane Sawyer and Martha Stewart.....the list goes on and on."

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