Lucy's Birth

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Being pregnant was fun up until about the 8th month.  That's when my ankles swelled and even my maternity clothes stopped fitting.  I also apparently was unable to control my emotions.  Where Niall could have made the most innocent joke about a shirt I was wearing before and I would have laughed with him and then flipped him I just burst into tears.

He felt like an asshole.  So did I. 

I didn't know what I would've done without Niall.  Without him I would've been homeless and destitute...and pregnant. 

He took me to doctor's appointments.  He cooked me dinner.  He paid me to be his assistant even though I wasn't really doing anything. 

He even uncomfortably sat with me through every lamaze class while the instructor taught us how to breathe.  He had relaxed just slightly during this one being that it was our last.

I sucked in a breath through my lips while Niall tucked himself into my back and laid his hands on my belly,

"If a pap gets in here we're gonna have some serious explainin' t'do."  He whispered in my ear causing me to giggle.

I looked up at him,

"Niall we're like 50 miles from any place any pap would be.  There's no way anyone followed us."

Just then my baby girl kicked.  Niall gasped a bit even though he'd felt her kick before.  He smiled, leaning his head down past my shoulder,

"I feel ya, Little One."  He cooed softly so the instructor couldn't hear.

I smiled as I watched him pat my belly like she could feel it inside.  Niall had been so gentle and kind with me during my pregnancy.  If I had any doubt in my mind that I was of value to him it ended when he invited me to live with him until the baby was born. He said it wasn't so he could keep an eye on me, but I knew better.

Niall's face when I'd found out I was having a little girl had been a mixture of fear and wonderment.  I was sure he was trying to figure out what having a baby girl running around his bachelor pad would be like.  But I assured him once she was born and I was back on my feet we would find a place to live of our own.

She kicked again and Niall whooped, causing the whole class and the instructor to look at us.  He bit his lip,

"Oh...sorry."  He apologized.

I looked up at him, an amused smile stretching across my face,

"I think you get louder every time she does that."

He nodded,

"She's gonna be a footballer if I have anythin' t'say about it."

The instructor smiled,

"Her father has spoken."

I opened my mouth to protest that Niall wasn't her father but I quickly let it go.  It didn't matter anyway.  This woman would never see either of us again.


When the instructor excused us for the night,   Niall reached his hands down so I could grab them and pulled me to my feet.  He shook his head,

"Gettin' as big as a house."  He commented, groaning as he pulled me up.

I shot him a look, "Watch it."

He snickered, "I didn't say that was bad.  The bigger ya get the healthier she is right?"

I turned to waddle out of the room, stopping to turn back to Niall before we made our way outside,

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