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''Y-You what?'' She looked at him, a bit suprised but still hoping that it was a joke.

''I guess we kinda...expressed our feeling about each other and..'' He scratched the back of his neck while rubbing it a bit, looking at the side while the small sigh escaped from his mouth. ''..I don't know..It just happend..''

Looking to the ground she felt kinda empty. Squeezing her hands, she whispered to him while trying to avoid his eyes. 

''So you two are a couple now?''

''I guess..I'm not sure, It's just so confusing and..'' After saying it he looked at her, still scratching his neck. ''I'm sorry..Rukia..''

''WHAT ARE YOU APOLOGIZING FOR?'' She yelled with a fake smile on her face, moving her hand to his arm while hitting him a bit.  ''YOU ARE FINALLY WITH THE GIRL YOU LOVE RIGHT? YOU SEDUCER.'' She smirked while looking up at him, trying to act a bit more.


''DON'T YOU RUKIA TO ME, TOMORROW IS BIG DAY TO YOU SO YOU SHOULD GET SOME REST!'' She grabbed her sketchbook while drawing him holding hands with Orihime. While trying to smile brightly she showed to him her ''masterpiece''. 

''Please don't draw like ever again...'' He said while facepalming.

''SHUT UP YOU AND GO TO SLEEP ALREADY.'' She yelled and punched him in the head while pushing him on the bed. Running in the closet she closed the door and layed down, covering her face in her pillow. She looked at the picture she drew,  and crumpled the paper while blushing a bit. 

''Why am I feeling like this?''  She whispered in the pillow while letting her emotions get to her. ''What is wrong with me..? Am I..sick?'' Her heart was beating fast and her face was a bit red too. 

Ichigo was on his bed, trying to get some sleep as she said. His thoughts were all over the situation. Turning to the side and looking at the moon he closed his eyes and sighed again. ''If she is right then..why does this feel so wrong?''


When sun was high on the sky Rukia was slowly opening her eyes. She yawned while rubbing her left eye. Grabbing her phone she looked at the time and oppened the door of the closed imedentally. 

''Crap, I overslep-''

She stopped and looked at Ichigo's bed, seeing Orihime with a towel over her chest.

''O-Oh..Good morning, Kuchiki-san.''

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2016 ⏰

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