Sailing Ships

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3rd Person

Marinette and Adrien were both late for lunch when they saw Alya and Nino laughing before crashing to each other.


"Hey, you joining lunch?"

Marinette nodded before looking back at the table Alya and Nino were sitting in.

"But, I don't wanna disturb them."

"Yeah, they look so cute together huh?"


They looked at each other before grins broke into their faces. They walked over to the laughing soon-to-be couple.

"Hey guys!" Marinette chirped.

"What are you laughing at?" Adrien added and wiggled his eyebrows.

The two blushed furiously before saying in unison."Nothing!"

After School

"Hey Marinette!" Marinette turned around at the sound of her name. She stayed for a few hours to finish a project hoping that the school was empty by the time she went out, guess she was wrong.

"Adrien,hi again." Marinette was surprised she didn't stutter but when she looked at Adrien, he seemed relieved that she wasn't stuttering. At all.

"So I just wanna ask if you can..."

His voice trailed off in Marinette's head as she repeatedly chanted go on a date with me, go on a date with me.

"Help me set up Nino and Alya." Instead of her hopeful smile dropping, it turned into a wide Cheshire cat grin, much like Chat's.

"Sure! Are you also a DJWifi shipper?"

"Actually I was thinking of something like Nalya but yeah, I ship them."

"How'bout we talk more about this set up on the way." Marinette offered.

"That sounds great!"

And so, the two walked together chattering about how much they want Nino and Alya together.

After 2 days

Marinette and Adrien were behind the curtain of a fancy restaurant spying- no, watching Nino and Alya sit together and laugh.

Adrien, being the generous friend he is,reserved a seat for the future couple and payed for it.

Although Marinette wanted to have a little contribution, her pleas went on deaf ears.

Nino signaled a waiter for the bill looking quite nervous. "He's probably calculating the bill in his head already."Adrien muttered to Marinette as the girl let out a quiet laugh.

The two watched the couple's face go red as they found out that their bill has been taken care of already.

Nino and Alya walked out of the restaurant stuttering that none of them payed the bill and settled down on a bench by the park.

Adrien and Marinette hid behind a bush not wanting to risk being caught.

The couple sitting on the bench were muttering something to the other while Adrienette (because it's easier that way.) were having a hard time trying to hear them.

Both of them gasped as Nino pulled a rose out of the bush they were hiding in and gave it to Alya.

"Alya, will you be my girlfriend?"

Alya looked shocked but was blushing a lot as she stuttered the word 'yes'. Nino grinned and tipped her causing the girl to blush again as she took the rose.

Adrienette heard Nino offer a ride to Alya who eagerly took it and walked away with her new boyfriend.

Marinette and Adrien came out of the bush and grinned at each other before fist-bumping,"Good job!" they said in unison.

(There were other reveal fics like this so I decided to switch things a little bit.)

Both were shocked, not because they realized that their fighting-in-crime partner was just standing next to them but because they realized they have to patrol together tonight. Right now.

The two racked their minds searching for an excuse which is probably stupid like most of the time.

Adrien turned to Marinette."Uhm, I have to go...photoshoot stuff."

Marinette nodded also wanting to leave."Yeah, I gotta go design some new things- stuff."

They stared at each other for a while before running away to opposite directions looking for a place to transform.

Once the duo arrived at their meeting spot, they noticed how the other one's breathing was as ragged as their own.

"Hey, ummm...Sorry I'm late?" It was more of a question rather than an excuse Marinette thought.

"Yeah, me too."

Once they caught their breaths, Chat looked at Ladybug to see her frowning.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he tucked a loose stray of her hair behind her ear," I had to ditch my crush-I mean my friend." She sighed.

Adrien also sighed, probably noticing the 'crush' correction part.

"Hey, don't worry I know that feeling," Ladybug looked at him with furrowed eyebrows daring him to spill the beans.

"You see milady, a friend and I had two friends who we - dare I say it,ship."

"What a coincidence, I also have friends like that." Ladybug cut in.

Chat Noir gave off a small smile to her."We decided to set up two of our friends on a date and they actually got together !"

Marinette grinned still being very dense to the fact that this was Adrien." Oh yeah, Nino and Alya worked out too."

Adrien answered her absent-mindedly,"Hey, those are the names of my friends too!"

They laughed and pounded their fists together before taking a deep breath. Then ,their eyes widened.

They were both very pale as the cold feeling of the water of realization splashed at them.

"Adrien!?" "Marinette?!"

Then they laughed as the thought settled in. They were very glad that there partner was someone very close to their hearts.

Adrien turned to her and grabbed her hand causing Marinette to yelp as he dragged her into the door of her balcony leading to her room.

As soon as they reached her room, they both dropped their transformations. Adrien smirked at Marinette." Y'know, Alya and Nino ship us as hard as we ship them."

Marinette raised an eyebrow." As heroes or our civilian selves?"

"Both." The simple word got an eye roll from the girl who said nothing.

Then Adrien spoke again still not dropping his smirk and leant into Marinette's ear.

"We shipped DJwifi and they gave us our wish, I think its time to grant two of their wishes too."

The End

1028 words

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