Whomever you are (Part 2)

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>>2 hours before classes with Adrien<<

"Are you sure he's going to be okay?" Adrien asked, voice hoarse.

"Do not worry,my son. He will be." Master Fu replied and placed a hand on Adrien's shoulder before walking out the room to get medicine.

He still had his ring of course, it wasn't even his miraculous that he wanted it was the Kwami that came with it.

Sure,Plagg is annoying but he's company. A passable one and though they don't show it, they care for each other.

Adrien knelt down on the floor beside the pillow Plagg was on as he softly stroked Plagg's head making the creature purr.

"I know you want to see her,"

Adrien looked at him and said," You're my priority for now."

"Is it because you don't have your suit and mask?"

"No Plagg, you're more than that. Besides, I can just wear some cat ears headband, an all-black outfit and a simple mask and I can go see her."

Plagg opened his eyes, "Then do it,"


"Just do it."😉

"But what about you?"

"I'm with Master Fu, Adrien. I'll be fine."

"Thank you Plagg."

Plagg rolled his eyes, "Okay kid, stop being a sap and go get your lady."


Marinette was once again crying and it broke Adrien to see it.

He walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

Marinette looked up and said," Can I hug you?"

"Of course," Adrien agreed.

Marinette hugged Adrien tight and didn't let go. So did Adrien.

"C'mon Marinette, you can tell me."

Marinette sniffed and breathed in his lemongrass cologne.

"I love him Adrien, I really do." Marinette sobbed. They both knew who she was talking about.

Plagg said that he should get his lady so he was going to.

And Adrien knew then that even if Plagg is well....Plagg, he is usually right.

So Adrien found himself walking into a boutique to buy black cat ears and rummaged through his wardrobe to be rewarded with an all-black outfit.

Adrien wasn't able to find any gloves however, but as long as he got to see Marinette....everything's fine.

>>Le Time Skip<<

Marinette looked up from her sobbing marathon as she heard three familiar taps from a familiar cat.

She rushed to her window, fumbling with the lock and her breath was caught in her throat.

"Chat." She said as she found the ability to talk.

True, he wasn't wearing his usual costume and his mask was swapped with a ridiculous sunglasses even if it was 11:30 pm but it was still Chat.

Chat reluctantly held out his arms wishing that she would take it and take it she did.

Marinette sighed contently as Chat Noir set both of them on her bed.

His hugs were so familiar...so was his scent.

"You smell like..." A sniff at Chat's neck, "Lemongrass." Marinette concluded.

She normally didn't smell his scent as it was blocked by thick yet seemingly-thin leather of his normal costume.

"Had to use a big dose tonight."


"If you sniffed me and smelled Camembert, would you still hug me?"

Marinette looked up at him.

"I would still hug you."

Then she knelt on the bed to be able to gain height above him. Then leaned down so close Chat Noir was tempted to close his eyes and lean in. But he had control.

He did close his eyes though.

"I would still love you."

And with that Chat Noir's eyes opened to the size of a golf ball, metaphorically of course.

''Y-you do?" He stuttered.

Marinette took a breath and looked at him straight in the sunglasses.


Then Chat pulled her impossibly closer than they already are and leaned in for the long awaited kiss.

The kiss was soft, gentle and passionate but still knocked off Adrien's sunglasses.

Both of them gasped then Marinette picked up the sunglasses and haphazardly threw it at some part of the room and kissed him again.

Marinette and Adrien then knew everything was going to be okay.

>>The End<<

Dedicated to MistBorn-SprenDeath because you are awesome.

Thanks for 1.48 k views and 69 votes! It means so much to me!☺☺☺

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2017 ⏰

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