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How was I supposed to know? I was just at the park minding my own business. Then the man showed up. I had no clue who he was.
"Hi, wanna play?" I said, since I didn't know any better.
"Sure, little girl, what's your name?"
"Sally" I said. I regretted telling him my real name though afterwards.
"Oh, that's nice." He said slightly monotoned.
"What's your name?"
"Oh, that doesn't matter."
I was confused. I was about to ask why it didn't matter, but he quickly interrupted me. "So, about playing, I actually have a big backyard and we could go there. How do you like that?"
I was thrilled. I lived in a city with my family. The park was more in the town area, so I guessed the man lived near by. "Sure! I would love to!" I exclaimed.
"Great!" He said, smiling "Come on, my van is over here."
I followed him and got in the van. The van was black. He was the only other person besides me. I sat in the middle. I was looking out the window as we left the park. Since it was silent for the first couple minutes besides the radio, I decided to say something.
"Is your house big like your backyard?" I asked.
"It's pretty big, about the size of my yard."
"Do you live with anyone? Do you have any pets or kids?" I couldn't help it I went into full story mode, seriously. "I love doggies they are so cute and fluffy! I have a mommy and daddy. I have a baby sister and older brother. I have a dog named Cookie. I love him so much. My sister and brother are alright, and my parents are ok. That's basically it."
"Ok, ok that's nice. Well we're here."
He parked his car in front of a tiny house. The window blinds on the windows and front door were torn badly. The house was in desperate need of a repainting. The other houses in the neighborhood were just as terrible as his, if not worse. I took a sniff of the air. It was a familiar scent, like what I smelled on my dad often.
Suddenly a ton of questions ran through my head. Where am I? Where's the big backyard? What is this place? This is not what I thought his house would be like! I was so confused and partially mad. Why did he lie to me? Or, maybe we're not at his house yet? I was about to ask him my questions but then he told me to get out. I obeyed and that's when I realized my body was shaking, I was scared. Where is he taking me? That's when I realized this was the biggest mistake of my life. He kidnapped me.

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