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I wake up. I'm thinking, where am I?. Then I remember. Oh yeah, I'm still kidnapped and I fell asleep.
I'm sitting here wondering what time it is and how I fell asleep when I notice that I'm in a different room. "Why am I in here? What happened?" I say to myself, out loud. This time though, no one pops out and scares me. I look around the room. It's the same room I decided was mine earlier.
I sit on the end of the bed. I'm trying to figure out what happened. Then it hits me. The apple juice.
I know he had to of done something to that apple juice. I never had crazy effects from apple juice before.
Just a little backstory, I'm pretty smart for my age. Even though I'm only four, I have pretty good grammar and can figure things out better than other people my age. I guess that's how I figured out I was kidnapped. I know because I heard the adults talking about me one day. My teacher was telling my mom about how "gifted" and "smart I was for my age". That was alright though, because I was able to compete in spelling-bees and some of the tests the other Elementary kids would take. It wasn't that bad. I was able to meet new people and get to know my future teachers. Something just didn't seem right about the situation I am currently in.

What should I be doing? I have no idea where to go now. Should I look for the man? I wonder. I get up. "I'll just go walk around, maybe then I can figure out what is going on. I go and exit the room. Everything appears ordinary. Everything appeared to be the same as it was this morning. My glass of apple juice sat on the table.
I know I was just bragging about how smart I was at the age of four, but honestly, I had no clue what to do. This man owned no working electronics in his home. I decided to check the front door. It seemed like a dumb idea, but what harm would be caused if I just checked? I tried shaking the door handle. The door didn't budge. It was definitely locked.
I was hit with a rush of emotions. I started to panic. I banged on the door. "Help! Someone please help me!" I cried. Silence was the only reply to my cry for help. I banged my fists into the door with all my strength, and I yelled at the top of my lungs. I slammed myself into the door multiple times. Half an hour passed, no one arrived to my rescue. I slowly fell down to the floor and started sobbing. I felt so helpless. There wasn't anything I could do to change my situation. I lost all hope.
I mean, what could a four year old do anyway? I bawled next to the door until I didn't have any breath left.

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