Daddy's Little Princess

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Oh, what I wouldn't give to comfort you, sweet Juneau. To just embrace you in a hug and tell you everything would be okay.

In your diary, you claim everything went downhill after your dad's death. You got depressed. Settled for Fin. Stopped playing the piano. Couldn't focus on your studies.

You think you're alone. The truth is I'm just lurking, waiting for you to open your divine eyes.

You grab a drawing and trot downstairs, out to the car.

When we got there, your mother placed the bouquet on the plot. You taped one of your drawings to the back of his headstone. It was a sketch of him.

"I made this for you, dad." You smile.

"I dream about you a lot." You tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. I cross my arms.

"She did remarkable, don't you think?"

I turn to find your father beside me.

"Everything she does is remarkable, I think." I turn back to you.

"Shouldn't you be behind golden gates?" I ask your father.

"Shouldn't you be in hell?" He chuckles.

"Your daughter changed me. I don't belong in such a predominantly detrimental category anymore." I say in a soft tone.

"I know what you did before Juneau, kid. Unspeakable things. Hunting the earth. Satan's bounty." He crosses his arms.

"You're wondering why she can't see you?" He questions.

My silence is taken for a yes.

"Your soul still belongs to the damned."

"What does that mean?" I ask.

"She's innocent. She's pure. You're not. It's like mixing water and rubbing alcohol-- not possible."

"Not to mention you're dead and you probably couldn't do much for her anyways." He scoffs.

"I've protected her more than you have." I say, defensively.

"You haunt her, you're a monster. A hell-raiser. I don't like you now and I wouldn't like you if we were both alive. I want what's best for my daughter and that's indisputably not a demon."

"You don't even care anymore. News flash; you're dead, too. I'm doing her no harm. In fact, I do more good for her than you. So while you're toasting a piously devout life with God, I'm protecting your family."

"Just leave, kid. You don't deserve her. She's never going to see you. And even if she does, it will only be as a vicious freak." He pats me on the shoulder.

"Some things belong to the shadows." He says to me, then bends down to kiss you on the forehead and evanesces.

I guess we both live in the shadows, my love. I'm just from a more caliginous part.

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