Misery Business

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It had been one year since you met Kyle.

You did everything together. He took you to fancy restaurants, surprised you with dazzling gifts, called you cute little pet names.

You were....dating.

You and Kyle were laying on your floor when you hear the door downstairs slam.

You look at each other.

"What was that?" Kyle asks.

"Juneauuuuu..." A drunken voice calls.

It was your mother. This is the first time you had seen her in months.

You both walk down the stairs to find your mother sitting on a stool clutching a bottle of Ciroq.

Her eye makeup was running down her face, and her hair was all the way ratted. Her black blouse was wrinkled and it contrasted from the gold crucifix necklace that laid on her freckled chest.

"Ohhh...who is thisss?" She slurs and then laughs.

"Mom..where have you been?" You ask, crossing your arms.

She suddenly gets serious.

"I've been forgetting, June." She studies the bottle in her hand, then stands up and takes a swig.

"I guess you can call it a delayed reaction. I was numb for 2 years. 2 fucking years." She raids the cabinets.

I step towards you, watching the tears dance at the edge of your bare eyes.

"I don't know what's worse; the fact that I want to forget or the fact that I can't." She pulls out a bottle of peach schnapps.

"Mom, please don't." You take a slight step towards her.

"Your father was such a bastard, Juneau." She chugs the bottle of Ciroq and sits it on the counter.

"He claimed to love us but I could tell he didn't. He never really paid attention to you and he favored his secretary. Brendaaa." She makes a mockery of the name.

"Stop." You say, biting your lip.

"He only spent time with you because he felt God would send him to hell if he didn't." She chuckles tauntingly.

"I hope he's rotting in hell right now."

"Mom." You say.

"Juneau." Kyle grabs your shoulder. Time seems to freeze.

"She never really was a woman of God." I hear your father clear his throat beside me.

"I got her this necklace." He strokes the necklace on your mother's chest.

I stay silent.

"It pains me to know she would say any of this. Of course I loved her. Of course I loved Juneau." I see pain cross his face.

"Do you know what I regret, kid?" He asks me.
I shake my head.

"Telling them I loved them instead of taking time to show it."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2017 ⏰

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