Unhappy Birthday

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You woke up today, less happier than usual. You've been down lately. I wish you'd smile again.

I miss your ravishing beam, dear.

Your mom wasn't home, she left early. Since the last cemetery visit, she's been distant. Confiding in a flask rather than you.

You walk downstairs only to find you've woken to an empty house.

"It's a shame." You start.

"This house was once so beautiful and full of life and happiness. Now....it's just a house. No connotation. As empty and bare as the word itself." You say, picking at your thumbnail, with a sigh.

You sit on the stool for a few minutes. Everything was so desolate. The way the shadows crept upon your face and the sound the heavy rain against the window.

You get up and walk over to the house phone.

You dial a number and it rings for a minute.

"Hey, Regina. It's...it's June...It's Juneau. Yeah...what?" You make a puzzled face and pause to listen to Regina talk.

"Yeah. I'm taking you up on that offer. When does it start?" You get a pen and paper and write stuff down.

"Okay. Thanks. I'll see you soon." You hang up and cling to the phone, throwing your head against the wall in relief.


Wearing a band crop-top, skinny jeans, and converse, you grab car keys and walk out the door.

You look beautiful, darling. But much like a crazed animal. Careless, reckless....young.

I sit in the passenger seat of your car and you drive to an old barn in the country, miles out of your way.

Music booms out and people are all over the place.

Your shaky hand pulls the key out of the ignition. You take a few deep breaths.

"You can do this. It's your birthday. You deserve something."

I don't think this is a good idea, June. You shouldn't go to a party, especially not alone.

You could sit at home and sketch portraits or write poetry about your life. You could sleep, eat. Anything besides this. I don't trust these people.

You make your way through the crowd, and finally find Regina. You tap on her shoulder and she turns around, smiling when she sees you.

"Juneau! You came!" She embraces you in a hug.

"Keys." She holds out a fishbowl full of keys and you drop them in.

"Great. This is Kyle. Kyle this is Juneau. Have fun." She pushes Kyle towards you.

He smiles sheepishly.

"I'm Kyle." You shake hands.

Kyle was tall. He had floppy black hair that swept over one eye and he wore a Nirvana shirt.

"I'm Juneau. Call me June." You smile.

"Can I get you something to drink?" He asks, pulling out his wallet.

"What are you having?" You ask him.

"Water. I'm the DD. I have to make sure my little sister gets home safely." He nods.

"I'll have a water." You nod.

The hole where my heart once was grows a bit bigger.

You found someone. And I don't know if I was more jealous that you two were connecting or that he was more charming than a royal frog.

"I heard it's your birthday."

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