Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

I groaned at the sound of my alarm. Reaching over I pressed the snooze button and dozed for a few more minutes until the alarm vibrated throughout my bedroom, reminding me it was six in the morning and I had to get ready for work.

Monday soon rolled around. The weekend flashing by, quicker than lightening.

After Celia had left I wondered over to the canvas bag lying beside the sink and peeped inside, unsure of what kind of books lay hidden. There was only one. Frowning, I pulled it out. The book was large, A4 size and bound in old, soft leather. In the middle was a large amethyst crystal, embedded into the book. Opening the book a piece of parchment sat promptly inside, tucked into the spine. It had my name in spindly hand writing. Regarding it suspiciously, I took it. Placing the book to one side I opened the letter.

'My dearest Sophia,

Here is a note in cryptic rhyme. Of what shall be in future time.

Then upside down the world shall be. And gold found at the root of tree.

Of a world that haunts through bracken land,

Shall be seen in second-hand.

The courts shall now great wisdom know,

Of a gift hidden in far-flung vale,

All covered o'er with snow and hail.

Horses without carriages shall go,

Disaster fills the world with woe.

Emerald shall be seen in stream and stone,

In a land that is yet unknown.

You think this strange but yet it's true,

A journey you'll pursue.

Though shall fight and maybe die,

That land will give a silent sigh.

As the blood shall slowly weep,

Into the land for them to keep.

And then that bracken land of myth and magic,

Will no longer wither with tragic.

You think this funny and a game.

But you'll soon realise why it came.

I know I go -- I know I'm free.

I know that this will come to be.

Secreted this -- for this will be.

Found by later dynasty.

And only when this comes to be

Will she read this prophecy?

But one man's sweet's another's bane

So I shall not have burned in vain.'

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