Chapter Thirteen

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A/N: Hey guys just a quick note to say thanks for sticking with my story. Your continue support drives me to write each day. Your comments and votes mean a lot to me. Hello to all the new readers and followers too :)

Chapter Thirteen

It was them again, The sluagh. The wild hunt. Horns sounded and the hounds howled and barked. The echo of the horses' hoofs drew closer and closer. I felt trapped, I couldn't move. I tried opening my eyes but they were heavy. This was only a dream, I thought. I can wake up at any moment, no matter how real it felt. The sounds became loud and clear and in amongst the animals' noises I heard men calling, shouting and singing. It was just the men downstairs, drinking and singing songs. Mac was down there, probably sitting directly below me.

Then as if it never occurred the sound and noises stopped instantly. I strained to hear. Nothing.

What was going on? Dreams, they never make any sense. I tried waking up, open my eyes and sit up. However, I found that I couldn't. This was weird and then I heard it. Footsteps over by the window, they were light, almost soundless and then I felt a cold breath on my cheek.

Mac? I tried once again to wake up. No such luck. Now, I was beginning to panic. My heart slammed into my rib cage as I willed myself to get up.

"Relax my dear. No need to panic." It was that voice Mac spoke in earlier. I relaxed just a bit at the sound of it. Was this Macs way of playing a joke. It was a strange one at that.

"Good." The voice said almost in delight.

Then I felt myself being lifted off the bed and I felt my imaginary chains dropping. I blinked and then snapped my eyes open. A pair of icy blue ones stared down at me in wonder. I opened my mouth to scream but the Faerie clammed one of his gloved hands down onto my mouth. Any sound was muffled and quiet. I tried thrashing, releasing myself. No luck. Maybe I was still dreaming. Surely Mac would have seen him come into the pub. It was then that thought dispersed as he walked towards the open window. The night air was freezing. Luckily I still had my clothes on.

The man stepped up onto the cushioned seat and I could see below. A large group of men on horseback - the same group of men that had been invading my dreams as well as hearing them at night - My heart quickened and I tried once again to free myself and call out. I failed, my body was paralysed. The cold night wind wiped my hair back and I could see clearly into the depths of his sky blue eyes. They were amazing I had to admit, however terrifying. I tried to wiggle out of his arms, but they only tightened.

"Don't worry my dear. No one can hear you. Not even your precious Mac." He whispered, before leaping down. My heart slammed into my throat at the sudden drop. He landed on his feet perfectly, like a cat.

"Should we tell The Seelie Prince we have his Princess?" A red cap jeered, standing beside a huge black horse with red eyes. The red cap grinned wickedly at me. I closed my eyes.

"No you fool. He will know soon enough."

I opened my eyes to him looking back down at me. He was handsome; I couldn't get away from the fact.

"I have forged a letter. Explaining that you no longer wanted to continue in the quest and have simply gone home." He explained with a pleased look on his face. "That should give us enough time."

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