You were asking for it - Part 11

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A week had passed since Dean had received that horrible letter. The trial was less than two hours away. Seth was frantically pacing around his house trying to find his shoes, whilst Dean, Roman and AJ were sat on the sofa trying to stay calm.

Dean didn't want to come off as weak to his friends, so he tried his best to hide his emotions. He was terrified of what the Jury would decide. He hoped that Sami would be locked away for life.

Their cab arrived an hour before the trial, leaving them a rushing mess. The court was 30 minutes away, so they had to rush in order to get there on time.

They were greeted by someone in a suit and taken into a waiting room where they had to sign their names and ages.

After waiting in the dull room for ten minutes, and almost going insane, the four men were led into the court room and sat down in the front row.

The trial began and the four men were asked to stand as the Judge and Jury entered the room.

The sight of Sami disgusted Dean. How could he be so calm in such a terrifying situation. He even had a slight smirk on his face. He was sick.

The Judge called Dean up to the stand. They addressed him as Jon, because legally he hadn't changed his name back.

"Jonathon Moxley, do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God?"

"Yes, your honor." Dean replied, feeling nervous. The Judge then started to speak.

"Mr Moxley, you are here today to get justice for your case, correct?"

"Yes, your honor."

"In my files here it says that Mr Callihan, abused you mentally, physically and sexually during your relationship. Am I right in thinking this is the truth?"

"Yes it's true, your honor."

"We have three people here today who are witnesses to this abuse. Mr Seth Rollins, would you care to stand."

Seth stood up and faced the judge. He also had to swear the oath of the court.

"Mr Rollins, could you tell me of one of your experiences, seeing Sami abuse Jon please."

"Yes, your honor. Mr Styles, Mr Reigns and myself were at a Combat Zone Wrestling show a few weeks back. I already had my suspicions about what was happening, because Jon had come home with me a few nights before and hinted towards certain things."

The look on Sami's face when Seth said that, was pure fury.

"The match we were watching had finished and Jon had lost. Sami started beating up Jon in the ring. At first I thought it was part of the show, but when I saw the terror on Jon's face, I realized that it was real. There have been other times where I've seen things happen as well, your honor."

"Thank you Mr Rollins." The Judge looked through his papers. "Mr Moxley, could you show us the scar that was given to you by Mr Callihan, please?"

Dean lifted his shirt to show a rather large scar across his stomach.

"How did you get that scar, Mr Moxley?"

"Sami smashed a glass bottle and tried stabbing me with it, but he only scratched me luckily, your honor." Dean felt very uncomfortable.

"Thank you Mr Moxley, you can be seated now." Dean joined his friends in the front row. Seth grabbed his hand and gave him a reassuring smile.

"Mr Callihan, could you please step up to the stand." The court room was silent. Dean started to sweat. Sami had to swear the courts oath.

"Mr Callihan, do you have any explanation as to why you did this to Mr Moxley?"

"I-I was sick, your honor." Sami gulped. "I wasn't right in the head." Dean could see right through Sami's disguise. He knew that Sami would get less time in prison if he claimed to be mentally ill.

The rest of the trial was tense and upsetting for Dean, but in the end he got justice. Sami was proven guilty and sentenced to 5 months in prison and 2 months probation. Seth argued that that wasn't enough time, but Dean was just happy to get a few months away from Sami.


The four men decided to go to the pub and celebrate with a pint of beer. It had been a stressful day and they were happy to be able to relax.

"A toast to Mr Ambrose, who is now a free man!" Seth stood up and and raised his glass. Everyone clinked their drinks together.

"Thanks guys." Dean smiled. "I couldn't have done it without ya."

"No need to thank us Deano." AJ replied. "We were just helping a friend out. Now, who's ready to get shitfaced?"

"Me!" They all shouted in unison, sounding a little childish to the passers by.

After four pints of beer and two shots, Dean was completely out of it. The rest of the night was a blur of fuzzy colours, dancing around in his vision.

Dean awoke to the sound of birds chirping outside of his window. Only a small amount of sunlight made it through the un-closed curtains. His head hurt, but not as much as he expected it too. A few painkillers would get rid of the ache.

Dean wondered what had happened the night before. Had they all got home safely? Where was everyone else? He was alone with his thoughts until he heard a quiet knock on the door.

"Come in." Dean frowned, still not fully awake. It was Seth. "Hey."

"Hey, I didn't know if you were awake or not." Seth smiled, sitting down next to Dean on the bed. "A letter came for you in the mail this morning. It looks hand written."

"Who would write me a letter?" Dean asked, confused.

"I don't know, maybe you have a secret admirer." Seth laughed. "I'm gonna go make myself a coffee, do you want one?"

"Yes please."

"Okay, I'll be back in a minute." Seth smiled, leaving the room.

Dean contemplated all the possibilities behind the letter. The address on the front was hand written so surely it couldn't be anything professional. 

He fiddled with the small piece of paper in his hands for what seemed like forever, before finally becoming impatient and ripping off the seal. Dean grabbed the piece of paper that lay inside the envelope. It was tiny, smaller than his hand and it said two simple words that made Dean's heart race.

'Hi Jon.'

Psychological Scars (Dean Ambrose Fanfic) Sequel to Ten Tonne Skeleton.Where stories live. Discover now