Thinking of you, always - Part 16

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The second part of this chapter may be a little emotional so prepare yourselves. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!

It had been two weeks since Seth went missing. Dean was sat in the police station, waiting to talk to the leader of the search. Officer Malcolm had called Dean an hour earlier saying that his team had found something with Seth's DNA on it. As soon as Dean had finished the phone call, he left AJ with Kevin II and drove to the police station.

Waiting for Officer Malcolm to appear made Dean's stomach do flips. He just wanted to get the meeting over and done with. Eventually Officer Malcolm entered the room with the co- leader of the search, Officer Neon.

"Mr Ambrose, so good to see you again." Officer Malcolm shook Dean's hand.

"Good to see you too, Officer."

"Okay, so let's get straight to the point. Me and my team were searching through the woods about five minutes from Mr Rollins' house and we found a ripped up hoodie." Officer Malcolm stated, taking a black ADTR hoodie out of a crime scene bag.

Dean's eyes went wide in shock as he saw the hoodie. Seth had worn the item of clothing many times before. It was one of his favorite hoodies.

"It had Mr Rollins' DNA on it. We tested it at the lab. Do you recognize the hoodie, Mr Ambrose?"

"Y-yes, Seth wore it all the time." Dean felt sick as he looked at the shredded item of clothing. Seth loved that hoodie a lot and to see it so destroyed broke Dean's heart.

"Well, at least we can confirm it's his." Officer Malcolm smiled. "There was also a second DNA on the hoodie, we're trying to figure out whose it is."

"I've touched that hoodie before, do you think it's my DNA?" Dean asked.

"It depends how long ago you touched it."

"Um, probably five or six weeks ago, I'm not sure." Dean answered.

"There may be a weak trace of your DNA, but the trace that we found is very strong. It's around about 60% Seth's DNA and 40% other."

"Oh, okay." 

"That's all we really wanted to talk to you about, Mr Ambrose. Do you have any questions?" Officer Malcolm asked.

"Do you have any idea at all where Seth could be? And how long do you think it will be until you find him? Do you think he's alive?"

"Mr Ambrose, please calm down with the questions. I can only answer one at a time. I'm afraid we don't know where he is. We're checking every place that he has visited in the past two years, that's the best we can do. We can't tell you how long it will be before we find Mr Rollins, because we don't know. And once again we don't know whether he's alive or dead. If I were you, I would prepare for both scenarios."

"Okay, thank you for all your hard work so far. I really appreciate it." Dean sighed.

"No need to thank me. It's my job and I should probably get back to it, so I'll see you later Mr Ambrose." Officer Malcolm shook Dean's hand once again.

"See you later Officer. Call me if there's any news."

Dean returned to the hotel room that he was sharing with AJ. The police officers said he could stay at Seth's house, as they had already checked it out for prints, but Dean didn't want to be there. It reminded him of Seth too much.

Surprisingly, he was taking the situation well. He had his bad days where he broke down crying, thinking that Seth would never come back, but AJ was always there to reassure him that everything would be fine.

Dean wanted to stay strong so that he could help the police, as much as possible and get Seth back home where he would be safe.

Kevin II was asleep on the hotel bed when Dean got back. Dean wasn't sure if AJ had already fed him, so he gave him some doggy biscuits just in case.

AJ was at work. The police had joined him backstage in the arena last week to interview all the people that knew Seth, but no one had heard from him for a while.

Dean didn't even know if Seth had been kidnapped or not. He had guessed that Seth had been taken after the weird text message, but he didn't know for sure. Seth had been really distant during the few days before his disappearance. He could have just gone on holiday to get away from everyone, but Dean highly doubted that.

Dean just had to wait and see what happened. He just hoped that Seth was safe wherever he was.


Seth was curled up on the floor with his legs up against his chest. Sami was shouting at him again.

"You're pathetic, you know that? You're a complete waste of everyone's time." Sami had been getting more aggressive over the past week.

The younger man did everything in his power to hurt Seth. Seth had tried to escape a few days before, but Sami caught him and beat him until he couldn't move. Sami hasn't left his side since.

Seth hadn't had anything to eat or drink for over a week. His body ached from all the beatings he received. Most of the time he passed out from pain and exhaustion. His body couldn't take much more.

"I don't know what Jon saw in you. You're disgusting." Sami spat. "Why am I even dealing with you right now? I could kill you this very minute and no one would know. No one would even care!"

That hurt. The idea that no one would care if Seth died had been drilled into the poor boy's head by Sami, to the point where Seth believed it.

Seth thought about Dean living a happy life without him. The thought made him tear up.

"Aww, is little Sethie going to cry?" Sami mocked, pouting at the weak man. The sentence alone caused Seth to let the tears flow down his face.

"Oh no, Sethie is crying. Such a shame that no one gives a damn!" 

Sami continued to emotionally abuse Seth for the rest of the night, until eventually Sami fell asleep. Seth thought that this would be the perfect time to escape, but he had been handcuffed to a pipe on the wall.

Seth decided to use this free time to sleep. He was exhausted. He just hoped that someone would help him soon. He was scared that eventually Sami would kill him, or worse, he would kill himself.

Psychological Scars (Dean Ambrose Fanfic) Sequel to Ten Tonne Skeleton.Where stories live. Discover now