We're gonna have a good day - Part 28

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Sorry it's a bit short. I've been really busy lately. Hope you enjoy and thanks for reading!

"Are you gay?"

Seth regretted saying those three words as soon as they escaped his mouth. He felt Matt's body tense up beside him. He knew he had messed up.

Why couldn't he have just kept his mouth shut? Matt was probably plotting a way to dodge the question and leave. Seth wouldn't be surprised if Matt never talked to him again. He was probably deeply offended by Seth's words.

"Sorry, I didn't mean for it to come out like that." Seth said, trying to reason with himself.

"That's okay." Matt replied awkwardly. "Um."

"You don't have to stay here if you don't want to." Seth whispered, looking down at the carpet, trying not to cry.

"Why would I want to leave?" Matt asked.

"I don't know. I'm just being weird." Seth sighed.

"Well, to answer your question, no I am not gay." Matt smiled. "Are you?"

"Um, yeah. Sorry."

"Why are you sorry?"

"I probably scared you away with my gayness." Seth shrugged, feeling disappointed by Matt's answer.

"Don't be silly. I don't have a problem with you being gay. We can still be friends, right?"

"Yeah." Seth smiled. "I'm glad you don't hate me." 

"I could never hate you. You're too innocent." Matt laughed, causing Seth to laugh.

The two men continued to watch wrestling matches all evening. Matt eventually left Seth's house at midnight and told Seth to text him the next morning. Seth didn't know whether to text him or not.

If he did text him, he would upset himself. He had feelings for Matt and he didn't want to hide them, but he knew that Matt wasn't interested. However if he didn't text him then Matt would get mad. Seth really didn't know what to do, so he turned to the one person who could always help him out. Dean.

Seth grabbed his phone and started dialing in Dean's number. At first he thought Dean wasn't going to answer. It was rather late, but just as Seth was about to end the call, he heard his friends tired voice.

"Seth? Why are you calling at this time of night?" Dean sounded confused, like he had just woken up.

"S-sorry to wake you." Seth sniffled, a few tears falling down his cheeks.

"Are you okay?" Dean asked, slightly more awake.

"Not r-really." Seth sobbed.

"Hey, calm down. What's wrong?"

"I- you know t-that guy I was te-elling you about?" Seth tried to stop crying but it didn't work.

"Yeah?" Dean replied, already fearing the worst.

"H-he told me he wasn't gay." Seth started to cry even harder than before.

"Oh man, that sucks." Dean sighed. He generally felt bad for his friend. Not being able to be with the person you love, really sucked. 

"Why does nobody like me? It's not fair." Seth sobbed.

"Seth listen, there are people who like you. Me, Roman, AJ. We all like you, okay? Don't put yourself down like that."

"You don't have to pretend to like me. I know that you just pity me, really. No one could like a scumbag like me." Seth mumbled.

"I'm not pretending to like you. You're my best friend, you mean everything to me." Dean started to raise his voice, wanting to get his point across.

"Yeah, but what if I don't want you to be my best friend? What if I want more than that?"

"Seth, don't start this again." Dean sighed. "I'm happily in love with AJ. I don't love you like I used to. In fact, I didn't really love you when we were together. I mean, I did cheat on you. With AJ. My current partner."

Seth hung up. He'd heard enough.

How could Dean say something like that? Why would he have agreed to being Seth's boyfriend if he didn't love him? Was this whole thing just a joke?

Seth felt numb. He had never felt like this, even when he was with Sami. 


The next morning, Seth awoke on his sofa. He had spent the whole night sat in the living room, wondering what to do with himself. Dean didn't like him. Matt didn't like him. Was he unlovable?

A knock on his front door brought him back to reality. At first he wasn't going to answer it. What was the point? It couldn't be that important could it? But there was a nagging voice in Seth's head telling him to open the door.

So he did.

Matt stood at the door with a bouquet of flowers in one hand and a DVD in the other.

"Hi." Matt said, smiling.

"Hey." Seth replied. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I thought I would clear a few things up." Matt stated. "Yesterday, I was a bit shocked by you asking me if I was gay and I didn't know whether to tell you the truth or not. But I am gay and I think I like you." Matt said shyly.

"Really?" Seth was shocked and happy and confused. "I like you too."

"That's good then." Matt let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. "May I come in?"

"Of course, but first let me just..."

Seth leaned in towards Matt and placed his lips against the others. Sparks flew around his body. He knew that this was meant to be. He had never felt so safe and comforted by a single soul. Matt was the one.  

Matt was Seth's forever.

Psychological Scars (Dean Ambrose Fanfic) Sequel to Ten Tonne Skeleton.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora