True love is just around the corner - Part 22

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Did anyone notice that when Dean poked Seth's chest on the Ambrose Asylum this Monday, Seth started smiling and it looked like he was stopping himself from laughing. So cute! Also, sorry this chapter took so long to update. I've been really busy lately, but I have a lot of free time now, so there should be a lot of updates this week. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!

AJ had stayed awake all night, looking at himself in the mirror, pointing out every flaw he had. By the time morning came, he was exhausted.  

Dean was still fast asleep when AJ left the hotel. He wanted to get a full workout in before going to the gym for a second time in the afternoon, with Roman. The extra exercise would do him good.

As he lifted a few weights, he wondered if Seth's words were true. Would Dean really leave him, after everything they had been through, just because he was fat? It didn't sound like something Dean would do, but AJ didn't know what to believe anymore.

There was always a possibility that Seth was just jealous. It was obvious that the younger man was still in love with Dean.

AJ didn't want to risk his chances though. He had fought so hard to be with Dean and he didn't want to lose him. A few extra workout sessions should help him lose a few pounds. It was nothing too extreme, but at least it was something.

After his workout, AJ made his way back to his hotel room. Dean had woken up and was making some coffee.

"Morning beautiful, do you want some coffee?" Dean smiled, giving AJ a kiss on the cheek.

"Morning babe. I think I'll pass on the coffee. I'm on a diet."

"What kind of diet is that?" Dean laughed. "You don't need to go on a diet anyway. You're perfect just the way you are."

"I just feel like I need to lose a few pounds. I've been eating a lot of junk food lately and I need to start eating healthy again." AJ reassured his lover.

"Fair enough. Don't lose too much weight though. I like a bit of chub." Dean smirked.

"Don't worry about me." AJ smiled, giving Dean a kiss.

"I'm gonna head out for a bit, I was thinking maybe we could buy a house or an apartment to live in?" Dean said, trying to persuade AJ.

"Yeah that would be cool. We can start looking for a place sometime this week. Where are you going?" 

"I'm just gonna grab some breakfast with Roman, you wanna come?" Dean asked.

"Nah, I'm probably just gonna have a smoothie."

"Oh yeah, you're on a diet." Dean laughed. "I'll see you later."

"Bye, I love you." The two men shared another kiss.

"I love you too." 

Once Dean had left, AJ felt a sense of loneliness. Dean always cheered him up and made him happy. He was so scared that he would lose his loved one.

AJ didn't have a smoothie, instead he had a protein shake. He spent the next hour watching TV and thinking of ways to lose weight quickly, without doing anything too extreme. He didn't want to vomit his food up. That would be gross.


Roman had finished eating breakfast with Dean. The younger man had already left the cafe, claiming that he wanted to check on AJ to see if he was okay. Apparently he wasn't acting like his usual self.

Roman was just finishing his coffee, when a lady walked up to his table.

"Hi, is it okay if I sit here?" The lady asked. Roman looked around the cafe to see that there were plenty of free seats left.

"Uh, yeah of course you can."

"Thank you." The lady smiled. "My name's Galina."

"That's such a beautiful name. I'm Roman."

"Thank you, It's nice to meet you Roman." 

There was a short silence, before Roman worked up the courage to speak to Galina again.

"So, how's your day been?"

"Oh, It's been good. I just dropped my son off at nursery and then I made my way here." Galina replied.

"What's your son's name?"

"Jake. He's three years old."

"Cool, I've always wanted kids, but I've just never been with anyone long enough to have any." Roman smiled. He was taking a liking to the girl.

"Aww, I'm sure you'll find someone eventually. Parenthood is great so you have a lot to look forward to." 

"So, do you have a boyfriend or a husband?" Roman asked, he didn't want to get close to Galina only to find that she was already dating someone.

"Oh, no I don't. I broke up with Jake's dad two years ago. Haven't seen him since, but It's probably for the best, he wasn't a very good father."

"That's a shame. I'm sure you'll find someone who can take up the father role and love Jake as their own." 

"Yeah, hopefully. He deserves nothing but the best." Galina replied. "So tell me a bit more about yourself. Where do you work?" This was the question that Roman always dreaded.

"Well, I'm actually a wrestler. I work for the company WWE, so I'm always on the move to different places."

"That's so cool. I used to watch wrestling when I was younger, but once I started college I stopped watching it." Galina smiled.

"Maybe we could watch it together sometime?" Roman asked, knowing it would be risky.

"I would love that. How does tomorrow night sound for you?"

"It's a date!" Roman laughed, before realizing what he said. "Well, it's not a date but-"

"Roman, relax. It's a date." Galina laughed.

After the two exchanged phone numbers, Roman left to meet AJ at the gym. He spent his entire workout session thinking of Galina. He definitely had a crush on her.

Psychological Scars (Dean Ambrose Fanfic) Sequel to Ten Tonne Skeleton.Where stories live. Discover now