2. Flashback

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I burst out in laughing with alpha.
"And.... He just stood there "said alpha between gasps.
"Why are they laughing?" One of the soldiers muttered.
"I don't know commanders are weird, I mean just look at them "
Of course I laugh only louder now.
Oh maybe I must introduce myself.
Some know me as percy jackson but that's my past.
Percy is gone. Here and now I am Omega ,Epsilon,Omicron,The end, assassin,Prince and you could go on, I have a lot of names but most people call me Omega. Which I'm glad about, I don't really know most of my names so it's becomes confusing pretty fast. I'm assassin and commander from the army of chaos. And alpha you maybe know him too, he was known as Luke Castellan.
He's, together with Chaos and Void, the only one who know who I was.
See chaos thought that luke deserved a second chance. He's now commander of section A ,second command after me
And most important my best friend. I told him what happened the night I left from tartarus for the third time.
I left 10.000 years ago and wasn't planning to go back.
FLASHBACK (something like that , it's just explanation of some things)
So yeah you know I was kinda mad on the gods and just everything. I was also being hunted down by Gea and Kronos in Tartarus which didn't help at all. Overall I was just really frustrated because the first months in here were hell, I like a toy for the most monsters because I didn't have weapons and riptide was broken, it didn't turn in a sword anymore and I couldn't do anything good with a pen but writing, I don't even know if I can use it to write.
So much for the pen is mightier than the sword
I sighed.
Now Gea and Kronos know I don't want to kill them anymore, and sort of have a grudge against most of them , they're actually pretty nice beside the ' I will destroy the gods and world.' thing and the part of "the gods are awfull, I so said so." So we're sort of friend now, maybe? It's a lot easier down here with friends and two enemy's less.
I was talking with kronos about time when it happened. He really likes time. He's a little weird that way like 'ha you know whats funny... time!' Burst out in laughing weird. I know but this not the point, I hate ADHD. What happened was that suddenly there was this portal in front of us and this man got out of the portal. I didn't know who he was but he was powerful really powerful. That much was obvious.
I know that I must have this super shocked 'what?' Face because the man burst oud in laughing. "I'm chaos creator of all." He said this really casual. I said something like "yeah, and i'm a unicorn." Kronos next to me just looked just at chaos with his mouth open. "And I want to give you a place as a commander in the army." I opened my mouth closed it again and said" it would be a honor."Ok, You may think right now : 'really,so suddenly a stranger comes to you,says he's chaos and wants you to work in his army and you say yes??', Your answer: yes, I did actually. I was desperate, I mean I was in tartarus for god's sake and to be honest I never was really one to think over things.
So after I had said bye to Kronos and Gea and I left my letter that I had written almost a year ago but never really could leave for my friends. I stepped with chaos through the portal.
After that and some weird adventures,and a long,long,long time and more weird things. I was finally head-commander, adopted by chaos.
I won't deny that I did some bad things , made some mistakes, did some good things. I killed people. Pretty often even. Hell, I am part time assassin.
But some day I met someone that i really wished I didn't meet, it was Void or The end or whatever your name for him is. I call him void. He's really powerfull. Maybe just as powerful as dad. Some strange things happened but it kinda ended with that I got even more freaky powers but then from void.
I has bad days after that, I was unstable and the pain of two opposite elements mending inside of me, I will never forget. I became prince of the void, which sounded really lame, if someone would have taken the time to ask me, and primorial god of betrayal, loyalty, peace and chaos, swordplay, fighting, water, storms and some other stuff.
I don't even know how I survived those couple months. After this I had free for a couple monhts yeah.
After that I changed my name and idenity. I had always pulled up a hood or helmet who covered my face. Percy jackson is now nothing but a legend. A legend I don't like to talk about. A lot of soldiers know this and think I maybe have known him or that it pisses me off that anyone believes in this crap, even tough 'second me' kind off suddenly turned up, the army still loves me, even tough I'm a little bit colder, a little bit different. I think it's because otherwise I wouldn't kill an entire army for them.

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