3. Camp

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Of course just after we entered the camp, all the campers already were there, and they were all looking at us. "Who are you?" somebody asked. It was Clarissa. Wait she didn't look like she was older.What? Maybe she's one of the immortal campers where Hades told me off.
"I shall introduce us, daughter of Ares. These are alex and Atalanta, they're thirth and fourth in command an commanders from section B. This is Alpha, He is second in command and commander of section A. I'm Omega head-commander of the whole army from chaos, and prince of the void. Someone screamed somewhere behind in the crowd.
"What's that?"" Don't worry, that's just our, what's the word, Oh yeah, space ship." Some people began to scream. I raised my hand."o relax, the gods will it explain soon."
Like we had planned it there was a flash of light and the gods appeard. " The soldiers are late." I growled." They will be here in a few minutes." Atalanta said to me. "But please why can't I know more about percy?" "You know enough! Besides I can't tell you secret information, if you already tell people about it even you don't know it! Now stop about it, that's a command." I said."but" no buts" I cut her off.she looked hurt. "No maybe, it isn't time yet for you to know." She smiled.
A shadow splayed over us. The space ship is here. Gods that sounded way to dramatic. When it had landed and everyone had their stuff and stood on the half blood hill, the ship began to move again back to home . I mean what do you do with a huge space ship if you don't even use it?
"In formation " I screamed.
"Ok gods if you will explain everything to the campers we will go to our cabin.
We can have a meeting over one hour." I said.
"But you don't have a cabin?" Zeus said confused." That's not a problem. Come on guys."
"Omega,"One off the soldiers said. "Yes, jack" you see my sister is really tired and she is ten but she doesn't want on my back. You know piggy-ride.And she asked if she could piggy-ride on you back if you you know shape shift.And i really wanted to know of you really can shape shift.Jack turned red. I laughed. Yes, i can. Where is she."here" a little girl stepped forward.
Only this time Katy. She jumped"YES" i laughed and shape shifted.
You must know i'm not really good in the shape shift thing so I only shape shift in a wolf a large white or black wolf. But really large. A little bit like Dianthe. And laid down before Katy.
Who climbed on my back. She laughed. The most people looked at me in awe.
The campers looked a little bit afraid, and the soldiers were talking loudly.They didn't see me shape shift often. I barked loudly. I mean i couldn't really talk.Alpha bursted out in laughing.
"I think he means we must follow him." I barked again. And Luke said" Katy,you better hold on tight."
And I began to run. Katy laughed. And the whole army began to scream and laughing. But they ran after us. It was fun.
When we finally stopped running everyone was out of breath but me.
After that Katy jumped off of me.
I changed back .
I clapped one time in my hands.
A cabin appeard in front of us. It was kinda cool. I mean you couldn't see the walls you just saw darkness and stars like space .the only thing that seemed like you could touch it was the door where a note was hanging on. Where stood" dear people, please don't walk in the cabin without the permission of the soldiers if you don't want to die.
Thank you very much. Nice day and don't die.
"Really omega?" Alex asked.
"Yeah i mean they have to know it.." I said. I opened the door. Guys, you know your partners and chamber number.You have two hours free time. After that gather here again.Alex, Atalanta,Alpha over ten minutes again.
The soldiers ran in the cabin. We had it quiet good.At first you came in a large room with a lot of sofas an chairs and a television. After that you came in a long hallway with room numbers on it. I had cause i'm the commander a room for my alone.Alpha, alex and Atalanta had a room for their alone too but the room of them was a lot smaller. Not that they know. No one ever came in my room. Because i don't like to disturbed.the first time anyone tried it to look if it really was that bad. He got five knives threw at him.he was lucky i didn't want to kill anyone from the army but otherwise...
I left the most of my stuff there. Did my hood and mask on.
My mask was pretty creepy. It was completely white with 3 holes for my mouth and eyes.
You must think if he always wears a mask the tan i had must be away. The truth is it's not.
Almost every week i go to a planet and will walk in the sun. Of course with a different color eyes and hair so no one will recognize me, i'm pretty popular in space just as percy.
If they find out i'm the same person i will got in really big problems.
I walk out of the room to alpha, Atalanta and alex. " come on guys, nice talk to the gods."
Alpha grinned. "They're lucky they have hades otherwise you had already killed them."
"Maybe."okay , please why don't you like the gods. They seemed pretty brave to me." Said Atalanta. "Yes, pretty brave ." I muttered. Alpha grinned again.Suddenly he stiffened "Thalia." He muttered so soft that only I could hear it.I looked and saw Nico and Thalia and they were kissing! I let out a scream"I KNEW IT !!!! I KNEW IT!! OMG!!!! I began jumping like a idiot.
I KNEW IT!!! Everyone looked at me. I was still jumping and screaming. When Alpha hit me.
" idiot everyone looks." I began laughing."I remembered I react that way when you two were kissing for the first time Alpha and Atalanta.They looked at me with a murderous look. They meant to keep it in secret."Run!"screamed Alex. "O come on everyone knows i already." I said . But Atalanta began chasing me and screaming to me in different languages and throwing knives at me. I know pretty extreme but she knows she will never exactly hit me cause i'm to fast for her. "Atalanta, let it go we're going to be late for the meeting we will get our revenge after the meeting." Alpha said. Atalanta glared one last time at me. And walked to Alpha."everyone knows it." I muttered. With that we walked to the big house while everyone still looked at us.
" Come on Thalia we will be late too." I said. "Ok, Nico" she ran to him.
It was pretty weird the mysterious commander just suddenly began to scream "I KNEW IT" and jumping around.It was pretty funny and weird. My thoughts were interrupted when i walked in the meeting room. With the ping-pong table. The commander and Alpha looked completely comfortable but were looking around them as someone was chasing them but every time they looked at them he dissapeard. Alex an Atalanta? Looked just uncomfortable. What made it al weirder.I looked at the commander. Why would he wear a hood and masker along with Alpha? I mean no one from the army was wearing a hood when they arrived.
Just that two.I think i would like the commander. I mean he was al serious at first. But the thing with the little girl and when he changed in a wolf. That's nice. I mean i don't see a god do that and the screaming like al little girl. No god would do that to make some people happy.
Maybe percy.. Gods i miss him. I know i wasn't very nice the last months and i didn't help him out of the tartarus maybe if i just had be nice and normal. He maybe stayed, or taked me with him.The worst i think is that i didn't miss until he was really gone. Not longer in tartarus,the underworld and not longer on the world where i could find him.He would be so happy if he had find out i and Thalia are together even tough we had dumped him.
I know you think now but Thalia is about 7 year older than you.Not anymore i'm now in my immortal person 19 and she's 18 so i'm older.
And how about Thalia is a hunter? Aphrodite demanded Artemis to give her Thalia or she would let every hunter fall in love. It was very funny. In the end Thalia leaved the hunters for them and Aphrodite would make her fall in love. The funny thing was no one knowed on who.
Even Aphrodite didn't know on who.I was so happy when it came out it was on me.
But back to the point I wanted to know who the commander was.
He had a aura around him with great sorrow, pain and power.the sadness around him i could even feel here. I couldn't even suggest how he would feel. I only know with that pain and sorrow i never could live. How he could be happy and laugh it's just impossible. The gods walked in the room beside zeus who flashed in the room. I heard Omega mutter "drama queen." I must be not the only one because everyone looked at him until he asked " what?" And everyone looked away. He nodded smugly.
" Ok, so what are your plans?" Omega asked. We looked at him weird. " What, don't you always say " athena always has a plan?"." Athena stepped forward. " yeah, but we taught you maybe" no, no. He cut her off we're only here to fight. Here are some basic plans" he held out his hand where some papers on appeared. Athena took them. "But, but this is genius." He smiled. " thank you, homemade." Alpha grinned."I guess you want to look at them in peace?we must go train our troops. Shall we say tomorrow one o'clock?" Without waiting for a answer he stood up and walked away.Alpha followed him.
We all looked at Alex and Atalanta who still sat on their chairs. " we wanted to ask you if you wanted to talk to us." They pointed at us.Thalia looked at hem surprised. "Um sure" Atalanta smiled "in private?"yeah of course " i answered them. The stood up and motioned us to follow them. We walked surprised after them.While we looked to the people at the ping-pong table. They all looked just as surprised as us. We followed them till deep in the wood.
They stopped at a place with a few rocks. They looked around them and raised their hand a wall of black energy raised up with their hands. Wait , what are you doing? I asked
I know we actually don't can ignore a commando, But we were so curious.
"We don't want that someone listens."i said as answer on the question of the black haired boy. "We have so much luck hat we have a blessing of omega today." Yeah , we had got today the blessing only today to avoid we will get bloated by the gods." Ok , sorry who are you guys?" I asked. The boy answered" that's Thalia she's daughter of zeus, i'm Nico son of hades." Nice to meet you guys. We wanted to ask you guys of you know something about Percy Jackson?" I know stupid to ask the first the best who Percy is but we're so curious. But Thalia and Nico reacted on the name. What do you know about him? Nico asked.A few Legends but i heard he was born here." Do you mean he's still alive?" Thalia asked with joy.
I wanted to say something but alex interrupted me. We will tell you some legends if you tell us some too. Nico looked at Thalia and said : deal!
After that we heard the whole history about Percy Jackson. Anyway the stories they knew and that were a lot but they said it was only the half of all his adventures and that Percy didn't even had told them al his adventures.
"Ok, you're turn" Nico said.
Okay it all, started on a day. Percy just came from nowhere. no one knew here he came from.
The only thing they knew is that he was amazing in fighting after some time he did the ritual with chaos." The ritual ? Thalia asked. " o of course it's a way to make someone your son of daughter they both cut in their hand say something in a language and place their hand against each other. But Percy was different he didn't want to be immortal. He wanted that he could die. So chaos made him a sort of immortal but he could always die in battle like your hunters.
So percy was now the son of chaos,assassin and commander of the army like Omega is now.
He was great but people say he didn't had emotions. He was made of the four elements.
Fire,water,earth and sky.you could say he never cried,was mad but he didn't smile either.
He wasn't happy to kill someone but it didn't bother him too.They say he killed more people in the galaxies than everyone other,but maybe Omega.
But he if he killed someone it was always in battle or someone bad.
Final he had a mission i think Omega just had entered the army , so as Alpha. Omega , percy and five other people were send on a mission.there isn't much know about the mission it was secret but Omega was the only one who came back.they walked in a trap and Percy sacrificed himself for Omega. They always said his fatal flaw was loyalty.
It's a sad end for a hero.But it was always a legend much people don't believe in it.
Nico and Thalia looked at her. They had tears in their eyes" he died?" Yeah, but he sacrificed himself for Omega. I'm sorry.I think we must let you alone for a while."
They nodded. And I and Alex leaved.
Maybe Omega had a good reason to don't tell it to everyone .
"One thing, Guys this is secret information. Promise to don't tell everyone.Just the ones who were really good friends to him and deserve to know.
After that they promised it we leaved.They had a lot to process.

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