Here they are

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After school we congratulated Nudge by going to the beach and partying there all night, it was fun.

It was Monday uhhhgggg, ultra uhhhgggg because today was sharing day, where you have to share something about your life. So that morning the flock walked into school quiet and thinking, even Nudge. And when we go to class we were all scared, even Fang who pretended he wasn't, I grabbed his hand and squeezed it he squeezed back and smiled at me. When Mrs. Wen called my name I said "Ummm, me and my friends or the flock as we like to call our selves, grew up alone. I was basically the mother and I even had to care for a real live baby. Until I found my parents, they took us all in." I finished nervously. "Thank you for sharing that with us today Max. Nick." Fang lets out an annoyed breath, "I'm in the flock and we named ourselves even Max, they called me Fang and I'm Max's right wing man." Mrs. Wen smiled, "Thank you. James." Iggy smirked, "I'm in the flock and they called me Iggy, I'm blind, I'm Max's left wing man and I cooked everything, because Max can't cook if her life depended on it." My face turned red as Mrs. Wen laughed, "Thank you. Tiffany Crystal." Nudge took a deep breath, "I'm part of the flock and they called me Nudge, because they had to keep nudging me to get me to shut up. And they called it the Nudge Channel all day all night always going, they said I have something called a motor mouth." Mrs. Wen snorted, "Thank you. Zephyr." Gazzy smiled, "I'm in the flock and they called me The Gasman, Gazzy for short, because I have digestive issues and it makes them not silent, but very deadly." Mrs. Wen looked a little concerned after he said that. "Errm...thanks? Angel." Angel looked up, "I am part of the flock, I was the baby Max had to take care of. "Thank you Angel." Mrs. Wen said with a kind smile.


Max and her gang are street kids!? Wow! That's insane! And James is blind you could never tell! And he never misses high fives either! My thoughts were cut off by a gruff voice growl, and say, "Maximum ride, you're  coming with us." It was like, half wolf and the mortals could see it too, it was human, because when Percy ran it through with Riptide nothing happened. But Max just sighed and said, "I wondered when you would show up, and Do you really think I would willingly go with you? If so you're stupider than I thought." Then robots came out and said, "Maximum Ride you will come with us." "And that is still a no." Max said, then some really weird and gross things came out, to spare you some misery I won't go into detail, "Maximum Ride, come." It said, "I said, NO!" Shouted Max, then she dove out the window with the flock, me, Percy, Jason and Annabeth on their heels.

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