Not a Dream

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Max still isn't back yet and it's 9:00 A.M., I'm going to wake up the flock and then we can all go looking for her.


After all of the gods trying so hard they still met! I don't want any of the Demigods mutated and those mutants are a huge threat, you never know what they're  going to do.

That night I heard a loud thunk. I galloped out of the big house and found a mutant, not just any mutant Maximum Ride and her flock wasn't with her. If they find her here they will destroy us all and Itex, or the school will come for her. So I hid her wings, took her into one of the upper rooms of the big house and put her to bed.


I wake up in a strange room with a horse dude watching me. Light streams through the windows, the flock, where are they? I leap up and charge the horse dude and scream, "Where are they?! What have you done to them?! Why do help the School after what they did to you?! What more do want from me?! Just let them go! What else can you do to me?! You've already done everything! What now, killing them slowly and painfully in front of me?! I will KILL you!" The horse dude only raised an eyebrow, "Calm down Max. I am a centaur from Greek mythology and I have no quarrel with the School.  I don't know where the rest of your flock is. And Max? I have kept your secret but some will be suspicious of us and you will stay here until you find your flock, alright?" he asks. "Ok, but if you hurt them..." I threaten. Then he says, "I Chiron, gives the flock permission to enter Camp Half-Blood." I didn't feel anything but it must have done.

On the way to breakfast, Chiron tells me about camp and how people are going to be suspicious. The camp was amazing and I am hoping the food is too. When we arrive Chiron takes me up to the front and introduces me as a daughter of Hermes, (I'm not really a daughter of Hermes) and my guide is going to be Conner Stoll. A trouble maker, great. I sit down and make an 'offering' of eggs to the gods and eat 32 pancakes, 6 servings of eggs, 27 pieces of bacon and 4 glasses of orange juice and by the time I'm done everyone is staring at me mouths agape and still not done. "Dang you guys eat so little, and slow." I comment, "No, you just eat ridiculously fast and a eat a ton of food." Travis says. "How are you not fat?" asks Conner, shocked. "I'm special." I reply with a smirk. "Yeah, yeah." Conner says and stands up to show me around.

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