Chapter Eighteen.

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Dedicated to: TheTideFan because well you added my story to your reading list and you are a Tider. I love you and hope that you like the book!!!

So this song has been on my mind today because i love Good Charlotte and I love this song. And it kind of describes what is going through Violet's and Drew's mind. They won't admit that they do like each other even though the circumstance is a little awkward.

If you have any questions for me please don't hesitate to ask. If you have questions for the characters don't hesitate or just the romance between the two. Like what romance haha?

Chapter Eighteen.

Chapter Eighteen

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Violet's POV

I have never been the type to hold a grudge against people. I would always forgive and forget what people would say or do. I was always raised like this. To like everyone, and forgive them. But forgiving a person sometimes is hard to do. And forgetting the impact they had on you is something you can never do.

I know this is weird to say that Drew has impacted my life with only knowing him a little over two weeks. But it's true and he has.He is and has been on my mind ever since I saw him. And no I am  not "falling" for him like what most people would think. His actions have made me remember him. He doesn't say anything of course but I just feel what he types sometimes replays in my mind over and over again.

It doesn't make any sense to me that he smiled. he literally smiled at me. And now he hasn't even done anything around me for a couple of weeks. Did I scare him somehow? Does he hate me? Has he hated me ever since we met?

"Violet, we're here," Levi says and bumps into me causing me to go over Nate who was sleeping. I get off of him fast.

Nate rolls over and faces us. He opens his eyes and asks, "what does a handsome guy have to do in order to get some beauty sleep around here?"

Austin gets up from his chair and we all laugh at Nate. Austin shake his head.

"Get up you bleach headed freak, we are here," Austin throws the big luggage bag on top of Nate's lap and starts to walk. Nate throws the bag off of him fast and holds his groin.

 He groans and squeaks out, "You're such a dickhead."

Miss Lide just had to be passing through and she stopped,"Nathaniel, watch what you are saying to your supervisor."

Nate goes up slowly and groans, "yes ma'am."

Miss Lide passes Austin and Austin nods to her. Austin chuckles a little and then turns to walk away again.

We then get up to go to the end of the bus. Nate mumbles curse words about Austin as he walks. He leaves the bag on the bus because we won't need it until lunch anyway.

I get off of the bus and then wait for Levi to get off as well. Drew gets off before Levi though and he looks at me.

He stops in front of me. He blinks a couple of times before he finally pulls out his phone. I have gotten used to it by now because I don't really care how he communicates. At least he is trying to communicate with me. Drew bites on his lip as he is typing. Levi gets off of the bus and sees Drew is standing in front of me. He smiles and nods. He walks to Austin and Nate who are arguing now.

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