Memory Loss; Memory Gain

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Your POV

   Gene has made me do a lot of dirty work. He yells for me" (Y/N) come here!" I walk over there and find myself standing in front of a giant tube." What am I looking at Ge- I mean Dad?" I say annoyed. " Oh your new sleeping/ memory chamber." He said excited." Yay I am so excited." I said sarcastically. " Now it is late so go to bed." He says while pushing me into the chamber. It actually wasn't that bad. I woke up in the morning with more memory then ever. "Good morning. Do you have better memory now?" He asked. " I suppose so." I say." Good!" He said.

Laurence POV

Ever since (Y/N) left and gave up her life I haven't talked to anyone. Everyday I go to her house and go to her weapons room that she told me not to go in. I laugh a little. Dante yelled for me" Laurence its your shift." I walked out of the house. I sneaked past Dante and ran to the watch tower." Aren't you late Mr." Garroth said as I climbed up the ladder." SHUT UP GARROTH! It none of your business." I say upset. Everyday I thought about (Y/N). I miss her extremely.

3 years later
Your POV

  "Hahahahhahaha" I say as my father said a funny joke." I am very proud of you so you can leave." He said being serious." Wait! What? But I like it here." I say. " But I don't like having you for such a long time." He said." I will go pack." I say sadly. My father walked me to the Nether Portal. We said our good byes and hugged. I walked through the portal and it brought back some bad memories of were I was a goody goody. I remember wearing red. Now I were Black Death like cloths. I walked a little farther and found....Phoenix Drop. It was new and better. I absolutely hate it. I walked in and everyone was waving. I stared at them awkwardly.

Dantes POV

I saw (Y/N) walking in the streets of Phoenix Drop. I turn and ran to Laurence." Laurence come here!" I yelled. He ran over here and ran down the ladder. It's been 3 years why is she coming back now. At a time like this anyways.

Your POV

   I was walking toward my house when some guy jumped on me and hugged me. " Uh..... What in the name of Irene are you doin?" I said to this person. " (Y/N) I missed you so so so so so much. Where have you been?" He says to me. I realized it was Laurence. I didn't have much memory on him so I said hello and walked off. Then Aphmau ran up and hugged me. Then Garroth, then Dante. I did as I did to Laurence I said hello and walked off. Once I found my house i unpacked and locked my door. I had several knocks. I didn't answer. I contacted my dad threw my amulet. He answered saying" Hello my beautiful daughter." I said" Hello my beloved father. These people here are way different then last time I was here." " It has been three years darling well I have to go. Love you. Bye." He said then hung up. There was one more knock on the door. I answered it. It was Dante. " We are having a birthday party for my daughter Nekoette and we wanted you to come." He said." I will try." I said back. I went into my armor room and realized someone has been in there.

Time skips to the party

  I am on my way to Dante's Daughters birthday party. I walked into the party and saw all the kids playing. I stayed in the shadows. I ran into the stranger from three years ago. "H- Hello." I said staring into his blind fold. " Hello you want to hang out." He said. "Sure" I said. So we talked and hanged out. I found out I really like him. Once everyone left I left too. Laurence grabbed my shoulder and said" Hey why have you been avoiding me? And where were you during the party?" I replied " I don't have much memory of you and I was with someone named Aaron." I said. Once I said Aaron's name I started blushing like a big red tomatoe. Laurence said" AARON! I will get you for this. Anyways what do you mean you don't have much memory of me." We heard a snicker from Aaron. Then I replied to Laurence question," I just don't remember much about here. About you, about anyone really." I started to walk off and Laurence ran to the watch tower.

Laurence POV

I ran to the watch tower to find Dante. I told him what (Y/N) told me. He was in shock. He said" Go tell Aphmau and Garroth. Also tell Emmalyn she is good with knowing what is going on." I did as told then I went back to go find Aphmau." Hey where is Lucinda or Travis?" I asked her." Travis is on his shift but I know where Lucinda is follow me!" She says as we started off to find Lucinda.

Lucinda's POV

I saw Aphmau and Laurence run up to my place." Hey guys how may I help you?" I asked politely. They told me everything. Laurence was in tears and asked" Is there anything you can do to get her memory back?" " I am not sure, this is done by Gene. A very powerful being in the dimension of the nether." I say." I will do my best and I will try to find a cure." They walked off in disappointment.

Aphmau's POV

I looked over to Laurence and he was still in tears. Dante told me that Laurence wasn't her brother. I do but I don't want to ask if that was true. I did anyways," Hey Laurence I have a question. Why did you lie to us all? Why didn't you tell us the truth?" " I only said it because I really like her. I always have since we took her away from Gene." He said with his head low.

Your POV

I was on my way home from hanging out with Aaron after the party when I saw Aphmau. She was running towards me. Not towards me, AT ME! She tackled me like I did something wrong." Aphmau what is the matter with you?" I started to heat up." Why did you do this to Laurence?" She said. Then she transformed into a relic of Lady Irene. I know I shouldn't but I did. I transformed in my Shadow Knight form! She said in rage" You will regret the day you met me!" She grabbed her sword and hit me in the arm. It hurt bad but I stood up and with drew my sword. It was longer then usual." I hate you! Why did you do this? You are not aloud here anymore!" She started yelling every time she did she swung her sword. I used my sword against her but then she used her other sword and jabbed it into my side. It hurt and I fell to the ground. Laurence, Dante, Garroth and Aaron ran over here. Aaron came and checked to see if I was okay. Laurence, Dante, and Garroth grabbed Aphmau and tried to calm her down but it was no use. Aaron took me to my place and the guys grabbed Aphmau and took her to the prison.

One hour later

I wake up and see everyone around me. Aaron was holding my hand. I wasn't ashamed he was my boyfriend. "(Y/N) are you okay?!" Aaron asked worried. I replied saying" Yeah I just am in pain." I saw Laurence, Garroth and Dante over talking I wondered what it was about. The only words I heard was "Death" and " Four Weeks."

Hahahahhahaha a cliffhanger. You will have to read the next one to find out what happens. Wow my dark side took over. Anyways will you live or will you die in three days. OPPS I spoiled a little bit. Oh well! Good bye. See you in Chapter 6. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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