Can I tell you something

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As Sasha took me to Aaron, I felt like crying. I couldn't tell him. He told me not to do something stupid and yet I did.

We arrived at Aaron's cell and Sasha started snickering. Aaron looked up and said,

"Sasha stop laughing. (Y/N) are you okay? Please tell me he didn't hurt you!" I kept my head down when Sasha kicked me. It hurt but I kept the pain in.

"Hey Aaron. Um..... You remember when you told me not to Sacrafice myself for you." He looked at me and said,


"Well I am. I am going to uh...... IamgoingtomarryGenesoyouwontdie!" I said it really fast but he still got the memo.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO SACRIFICE YOURSELF FOR ME AND WHAT DO YOU DO YOU GO AND SACRAFICE YOURSELF!" He was mad. I couldn't let him die. Never will. I love him to much.

"Well hate to break this party up but she has to go get ready." Sasha pulled me away and put me in this room with someone and three girls.

"Well hello I am so glad you are marrying my brother. My name is Azura. And these are Violet,Mary,and Carra. They are your brides maids." I looked at each of them they looked nice.

Azura had me put on a long (F/C) dress with a train and a long hair piece. I actually looked beautiful.

Time skipped to after getting dressed and the wedding is about to start.

The wedding was about to start until one of Gene's guards said that Gene needed me.

I walked down stairs to the main room. I looked  AND SAW LAURENCE AND APHMAU. I ran down the stairs and said,

"GENE WHAT IN THE NAME OF IRENE ARE THEY DOING HERE?!" I yelled Laurence and Aphmau's heads spun towards me. I couldn't believe they were here.

"Oh darling don't you look beautiful. Oh and yes them well I heard they were trying to ruin the wedding. You don't want Aaron hurt so they are going to be at the wedding as well."

"Gene they wouldn't they didn't even know. Laurence,Aphmau I am so sorry." I walked over to Laurence and he was crying. Aphmau as well.

"So this is how it will end." Laurence said he was becoming a SHADOW KNIGHT.

"LAURENCE STOP THIS NOW!" I threw a fire ball at him but he broke it away.

"GENE, APHMAU HIDE!" I yelled I don't know why but I did.

"Laurence please this isn't you. Stop this madness now." When I wasn't looking he swung his sword at me. It hit me and I went flying. I showed my ugly form. My Lady Irene form. Laurence then stopped.

"You never told me your Lady Irene. So it is true?"

"Indeed young one, Indeed it is. I am sorry this is the only way you will listen to me." I stop my transformation.

Hey guys this chapter is a little short I am sorry. I hope you guys are having an amazing day.

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