Wanda x Reader

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You leant against Pietro's shoulder, the shots you had taken at the bar were starting to kick in so when Tony drunkly suggested 7 minutes in heaven you agreed.
You, Pietro, Tony, Maria, Natasha, Steve and a few random shield agents sat in a circle, an empty bottle of some type of alcohol chucked in the middle. Wanda sat away from the group, she had said the game was childish and she had no wish to play. You were up first, you took a deep breath and giggled as the bottle spun round and round. Soon it landed on the silver haired speedster. Without getting a chance to say no, you
and Pietro were shoved into a closet, Tony saying that it was about time you two lovebirds got together. It was true you were close, you were both in your early 20's and his personality amused you. However it was his twin sister you were in love with. Wanda with the captivating eyes and beautiful smile the same Wanda that seemed to avoid you at all costs.

You and Pietro faced each other in the cramped dark closet. It was horribly silent and the air seemed to be thick with awkwardness.
" I really don't want to kiss you " you said quickly. Pietro chuckled
" Good, because I think my sister would kill me".
" What" you squeaked. Pietro started at you quizzically.
"You did not see that coming, my sister is so in love with you, it is why she never talks. She is to scared of the rejection" his accent was thick and his voice full of laughter. I couldn't believe it, was he telling the truth did Wanda really feel the same way. Suddenly the door was flung open and we dragged back out to the living room.
I looked around for Wanda but could not see anywhere amongst the drunken superheroes. Suddenly Natasha was next to me.
" She went to her room ". I looked at her nervously and she just shook her head and walked away. Taking a deep breath I got up and began to walk to Wanda's room.
You knocked on Wanda's door. You felt like you couldn't breathe as you stood outside, you heart was pounding and your palms were starting to sweat.
"Yes" Wanda muttered. " Uhhh... hi Wanda, it's Y/N I was wondering if umm I could come in" you really hoped she couldn't here the shaking in your voice. The door was swung open and there stood Wanda.
"Your out of the closet ?" She muttered.
"Yep, have been since I was 17" you  laughed.
"You are gay?" Wanda whispered
"Y/S (your sexuality)". All of a sudden Wanda's lips were on yours, her hands reached up and tangled themselves in your hair. You kissed her back, you're lips moving passionately together. Wanda pulled back, her green eyes met yours, a shy smile on her face.
"So would you like to go on a date?"

The End

Thanks for reading, sorry it isn't the best but it's my first ever attempt. :)

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