Alicia Clark

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You lay on the deck of the ship, the cool air pricking at your skin and blowing your hair. Closing your eyes you begin to think of your life and how incredibly shitty it had become. You used to dream about being a surgeon, getting married and having children now you dream about making it to the next day. The blood and death seems to be unceasing, a constant weight on your soul. Sometimes you wonder why you haven't given up yet, then you remember her. Alicia Clark, the love of your life. She was perfect, with her long brown hair and gorgeous smile. You met Ali when you were 15, you had just moved to LA with your mum and she was your guide on your first day at school. She was so kind and you fell for her instantly. There were so many times when you wanted to tell her, so many times when you wanted to just grab her and kiss her. But alas you were to much of a coward.

You feel the air next to you move as Alicia plonks down next to you.
"Hey Y/N" she smiles. She fidgets, staring down at her fingernails.
"Is everything alright" you ask. She takes a breath.
" I think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified, your so amazing and I .. I just.. I've never felt this way before and I don't know what to do".  You start to smile, a few stray tears running down your cheeks.
"I love you too" you whisper

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