Dating Diana Prince

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- You were first introduced to the world of superheroes when you accidentally found out your boss was batman
- You started helping him out behind the scenes
- You met Diana when she first started working with batman
- You were doing paperwork when you heard her telling Bruce about how where she comes from me aren't necessary for pleasure
- You started giggling
- She realised she liked you the moment she heard that laugh
- Diana was hesitant to open her heart to you at first due to her complicated past
- You were taken hostage by people who knew of your connection to batman
- When she found you she ran and kissed you without even thinking
You slowly opened your eyes, groaning at the pain in your head. Reach up you feel the sticky sensation of blood on the back if your head. You look around to see your in a small dark room. With a crush a wall is broken down, light flooding in. Diana runs to you and hugs you tightly. After making sure your okay she kisses you passionately, her lips melting against yours in fiery passion.
- You started dating after that
- Lots of deep conversations
- Talking about her life back in Themyiscra
- Her constantly being worried and over protective
- Her still being kinda unclear on how modern day dating works
- Where you're separated she prefers to call rather than text
-Long discussions about your future
- Your worried about what will happen when you age and she doesn't
- She reassures you that she'll love you no matter what
Tears prick at your eyes as you read another birthday message. You normally loved your birthday but today it just reminds you of how you'll age and the love of your like won't. Diana walks isn't the room and hastily you wipe at your tears. "What is wrong my love?" she asks. You start sobbing and confess your fears. Diana laughs softly and sits next to you in the bed, wrapping her arms around you she whispers "y/n, I love you more than I have ever loved anything. I do not care how old you get. Nothing can change my love for you
- Going to pride together
- You buy your first house together on your 1 year anniversary
- It's a quaint little cottage by the sea
- She says it reminds her of home
- She wishes she could take you there
- You often think about children but don't know how it would work
- One day she comes back from a mission with a baby whose parents had been killed
- You adopt the child the next day
- Diana working in secret to find a way to start ageing with you
- When she tells you she found a way to grow old together it's the happiest day of your life
" But Di, you won't be a superhero for much longer" " I have done my duty love, you and our child are all that matter now"
- You guys are hopelessly, desperately in love

 Nothing can change my love for you- Going to pride together - You buy your first house together on your 1 year anniversary - It's a quaint little cottage by the sea- She says it reminds her of home - She wishes she could take you there- You often...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2017 ⏰

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