Santana Lopez x Reader

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Y.N sat in the cool plastic chair, nervously fiddling with the ends of her skirt. After spending the first 17 years of her life in small town Australia she was now starting over at a new school in Ohio. Her dad told her they were moving on the year anniversary of her Mum's death. 2 months later and here she was, freaking out in the waiting room at her new high school.
Y.N was jerked out of her thoughts when a bubbly but awkward looking red head cleared her throat.
"Hi there, you must be Y.N. I'm Miss Pillsbury and I'm here to show you to you locker." I gave her a small smile and followed as she scurried into the mass of teenagers.
"Well.. Here we are, you're going to be fine" she stopped talking and start looking at a small brunette.
"In fact here's Rachel, I'm sure she would love to show you around.
"Hi there, the names Rachel Berry, show me your schedule and we'll find your class" she spoke with this air of confidence that intimated me a little. I handed her over my schedule and shuffled from side to side as she studied it intently.
"You have English, follow me"
/2 Weeks Later/
You were starting to fit in and adjust to the new school, Rachel had taken you under her wing and through her you had made a couple of new friends. Today you were going to audition for the glee club that Rachel would never shut up about. Part of you was doing it because you loved singing but a bigger more hidden part of you was doing it because Santana Lopez was a part of the club.
"Alright guys I want you to welcome Y.N, she moved here from Australia and is going to be auditing" Mr Shue said to the group before giving me an encouraging smile. I took a deep breath and started to perform "your favourite song". After you had finished their was a bunch of clapping and cheering.
"Whoop go crocodile Dundee" Puck said.
/1 Week Later/
I sat on the plastic chair trying to pay attention to what Mr Schue was saying, something about this week's lesson being on love, ugh perfect.
"Alight guys, I want you to all partner up and do a duet on what love means to you, then we'll have a little completion" Mr Schue exclaimed with his usual excitement
"What do the winners get?" asked Racheal eagerly.
"Ahhh, that's still being decided, but good luck and work hard". Immediately everyone started partnering up, Kurt with Blaine, Brittany with Artie, Racheal with Finn, Mercedes with Sam, etc. Etc. Eventually it was just me and the Santana left sitting there
"Guess you're stuck with me" I laughed. Santana gave me a small smile.
"I'll come to yours after school today and we can work on this duet, okay" Santana more said than asked.
"Cool" I say before heading to English
/That Afternoon/
I was lounging on the couch watching Community when the bell rang. Switching off the tv, I smoothed out my hair and straightened my clothes before running to get the door.
Santana's POV
I stood at Y.N's doorstep waiting for her to answer the door. I was desperately trying to ignore the butterflies that she gave me. I was Santana freaking Lopez, I do not get nervous around girls. But yet here I was with sweaty palms and a racing heart. The door swung open to reveal a smiling Y.N.
Your POV
After a couple of hours working on our song we decided to take a break and watch some tv. We sat on the couch, Santana was so close that I was finding it really hard to breathe. I tried to focus on the tv and not the incredibly hot girl next to me. All of a sudden I felt something soft on my neck, I turned to see Santana kissing me.
"Wh, what are you doing?" I stuttered
"Here's the thing, I think your really hot and I wanna make out, that cool" she said. I nodded and she started to kiss my neck, slowly she started to make her way up to my lips. When she reaches them it's like fireworks. The kiss starts to get heated, I feel her hands creeping up my shirt. I swing my leg over her waist so that I'm straddling her. I lean back to take off my shirt before leaning down and kissing her again.
It had been three weeks since that day and so far we had continued to make out regularly. However I was starting to want more, I wanted to hold her hand in public, to go on dates and to post stupid photos of us on the internet. I couldn't keep being with her without actually being with her. So I decided to break it off. That's why I was here now, in the empty choir room, sitting next to Santana.
"We need to stop whatever this" I blurted out
Santana's POV
My heart felt like it had been punched when she said that. In the past three weeks I had never felt happier. I wanted to be more but I was to scared to say anything, she was such an amazing kind person and I was a bitch. I wanted to beg her not to, I wanted to tell her I really like her and wanted to be her girlfriend. But I was to scared.
"Whatever, I was getting bored anyway" I spat out before leaving. I desperately needed to find somewhere to cry

 I desperately needed to find somewhere to cry

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