The First Letter (Edit)

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Authors Note: Well hello lovely people, this is my first time actually writing for other people besides friends and family and I really hope you all enjoy. Also I do not own any characters except my OC's.

Unknown P.O.V

Mary... Mary... Mary, my sweet Mary Alice. Why do you taunt me so? No worries my love, I will have you soon and no one will stop that. Even if I have to kill everyone you love.

Bella P.O.V

It's been 97 years since I've had the pleasure of seeing my mate. All of our planning is finally about to put to work and everything will change once I deliver this one piece of paper. All of my human life was spent with so much hatred towards humans, but she saved me from the person I was becoming, she showed me a different path. I owe her everything. My clairvoyant angel doesn't remember the love we shared, but she'll remember soon enough.

 As I reach my destination, I rev the engine of my " borrowed" dirt bike to intentionally alert the golden eyed family of my presence in their territory. I smirk to myself as I see the family lined outside their house... mansion, with the exception of the blonde beauty they call Rosalie and my lovely Mary Alice.

 Knowing that I'm on a timed schedule, I stop my bike and jump off, very fluently might I say, and put on my black Ray-Ban sunglasses. I do a quick scan over myself to assure that I am as always, impeccable. Seeing as I am, I glance back up with lazy eyes and posture that could rival a British monarch. 

I light the cigarette that has been lingering on my ear and put it in my mouth.With trained scan of all the vampires present, I quickly note their identities. The first I see is a blonde male that looks like he had a fight with blender and lost, this is Jasper, the god of war. He looks more tamed then I imagined, but with that many scars he's still a possible danger. I notice another male standing next to him that looks like he has just been electrocuted and is constipated. Edward. I immediately conclude. Next I see I giant man that resembles a grizzly bear, though by the smile on his face he looks more like a teddy bear, this is the prankster Emmett. Lastly I observe to the couple the closest to me, a kind looking woman and man, Carlisle and Esme Cullen. I take the cigarette out my mouth and flick it away, I watch as it hits the ground. I quickly turn back to Carlisle to begin a speech I have prepared to say since I was human. I open my mouth to speak only to be interrupted by Mr.Sparky.

"ENOUGH WAITING. WHO ARE YOU?" An angry Edward hisses with venom flying from his mouth. Gross. Though like better person I am, I ignore him.

"Carlisle Cullen, What a dream come true. I finally get to meet the first "vegetarian" vampire. I am Isabella swan but please call me Bella." I say with a small bow at the end. Nailed it.

"Hello, Isabella" he says so soft that I almost ignored that he didn't say Bella. Almost.

"It's Bella. You should do well to remember that. We wouldn't want to start problems now, Carlslile.". I'm pretty sure that was one of my most well behaved moments. If it were anyone else they would have been dead. The things one would do for love.

"My apologies Bella, and no my family and I  do not wish to start any trouble. May I ask, how is that you know of us?" Curse him for being so polite. 

"My dear mate has told me all about you and your...coven. Not only that, I was also instructed 97 years ago to deliver this message  to Mary Alice. I was specifically told to do so at this time and place, on this day." I say pulling out a neatly folded paper, bored and upset that things were not going the way I had planned for.

"This is for her eyes only. Can I trust you not look at it?" I add though I already put the paper in his hands and am now on my bike. My mood was getting worse the more spent standing around so close to my mate and knowing that at this moment there was nothing I could do about it.

"Trust me carlisle you'll want her to see this." I then address the rest of the Cullens. "Don't worry too much I'm not too much of a threat . I'll see you around." With that said I race off to my new house to plan what is to come tomorrow.

Alice P.O.V

I was out hunting with my adoptive sister Rosalie when my visions suddenly stopped. I know you're probably thinking that I went blind but that is not the case. I can see the future. I know it sounds crazy but it's true.

"What's wrong, Alice?" Rosalie asks me

"Wolves?" She growls and starts to look around the woods. I simply shrug and we both race back to the house.

We arrive only to see a bike racing away. I feel a small pull towards that direction but I ignore it. I take in everyone's expressions. Carlisle and Esme look worried, Emmet as always is smiling next to a confused Rosalie, and jasper looks deep in thought next to an angry Edward. At first I feel a pang of loneliness at being the only mate less one of the families but my curiosity overcomes that feeling.

"What happened, Carlisle? Is something wrong?"

"There's a vampire in our territory. She knew Carlisle and said that her mate wanted to give you a message." Edward hisses while jasper rubs his back. By now we have moved to the living room. I didn't see any of this happening. I look to Carlisle and see him holding a piece of paper out to me. I take it and open it only to gasp. The hand writing is my own, but I don't remember writing it. I read aloud.

Dear Alice,

I know you have questions on how this is your handwriting but you clearly didn't write it. I also know that you expect me to answer them, but I'm not. At least not now, you're not ready yet. I don't have much time to say this but everything is not as it seems. Some people you trust will betray you and you have to be prepared. You can trust the Cullens and Isabella, they will protect you and will fight for and with you. You'll get another letter at school from Isabella. Tell her that she may open our box.She'll know what that means, and please Alice do not run from her as you will soon see the impact she will have on your life . As I am running out of time at the moment, I will leave a temporary warning, Stay clear of the wolves.


Mary Alice Brandon

AUTHORS NOTE: Thanks so much for reading and please comment how you feel about the story so far. All mistakes are my own. I will try to make the next chapter longer. Thanks.

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