Wild Thoughts

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Author notes at the end of the chapter

Chapter 3: Wild Thoughts

Bella P.O.V

Scratch that.

I think I'll have to kill for my Mary Alice. Waiting for my love in the car lot didn't seem like a bad idea at first, that is until I began to get approached by curious strangers. I swear, If another one of these pathetic walking sacks of meat tries to talk to me again, I'll be forced to take my sweet Mary Alice away from this pathetic town.


That actually sounds like a good idea. I'll just take my beautifully,amazing, perfect, sweet li–

"H-h-hey you're the new girl right? Isabella Swan." I'm interrupted from my inner ramblings by a blonde haired boy with blue eyes. His cocky demeanor doesn't match his tone at all. I wonder if this actually makes him appealing to the humans.

Oh, is he still talking?...

"- and so I was wondering if you'd like to go on a–What are you looking for?" He asked confused by my movements. I stopped emptying out my pockets to look him in the eyes.

"I'm just looking for the fucks I give for this conversation." I say casually. I then start to check my messenger bag.

"What?" Aw the poor boy is confused. I stop again to look at him.

"Yeah, I'm just trying to find them because you're still here talking to me so I must give at least one, right?" I raise one brow.

"I-I I don't under-" ugh. Again with the stuttering. Should I kill him? Hmmm, not today.

"WELP,I can't find them so I guess they don't exist. Sorry dude, I'll have to catch you when I find them,bye." I watch as he walks away in confusion. Idiot. About five minutes later I hear the sounds of three newly modeled cars. It must be the Cullens. I doubt anyone in this town could buy engines that purr like that. Shit, should I approach them or play it cool and lean back on my car.

I can be like 'sup Ali. Want me to walk you to class?' No, that's stupid. I should just run and hug her and smell her sweet vanilla scent that I've missed for several decades. No, that's weird. Maybe I can just lean back against my car and stare off into the distance. Yeah she'll think I'm mysterious and hot as hell. She'll love it and me.

Jasper P.O.V (In Edward's Volvo)

This morning was a little intense. Edward has been fuming all morning and has suggested several times that we shouldn't go to school, thus causing us to be late.

In the end, we decided to go anyway so that we can learn more about this strange woman that claims to be Alice's mate. The entire ride to forks high school, I noticed my Love was quite tense. I hate when he gets like this. He truly means no harm, he just wants his family to stay safe. It's one of his best and worst qualities but I still love him with all my heart. Alice May have found me and guided on the right path but it was Edward Cullen who saved me and taught me how to love,the right way.

'It's okay E. If anything happens, we'll all be there to protect the each other.' I think knowing that he'll be able to hear it. I also squeeze his right hand that's nearly about to break the wheel. I love Edward with all my heart but sometimes I just want to strangle him against a wall until the stick falls out his ass.

"Kinky" I hear Edward whisper causing both of us to laugh and him to grip my hand interlace our fingers together.

"I promise I'm going to try harder. I love you" this time he speaks loudly and in a firm voice as he kisses the back of my palm.
'I love you too jackass.' I think back to him.

Alice P.O.V


Am I about to meet my mate?
Is this real?
I can only drive as straight as my sexuality right now. Meaning I need to get my shit together before run into a tree. Again.


I bet she's going to have a dozen yellow roses waiting for me and she's in a full tuxedo. I can picture it now, I'll get out my car and she'll pick me up and spin me around and trim off with me to the woods where she'll hand me the next letter and I'll read aloud
'Alice, will you marry me?'
Wait. What the hell am I thinking?

I don't even know this girl. How is she getting into my head, maybe Edward was right and this is some cruel trick someone is playing on me. Everything seems so real though and I'm so confused now.


Skip the rest of the car ride

As soon I reached the car lot I could feel a strong pull. I meet my family in front of Edwards Volvo, I don't acknowledge the mates around me nor do I feel the usual ache of loneliness as I stand next to them. My eyes are focused on tall girl across from my family and I.

Dragging my eyes up her body, I can't help but notice her sense of style fits her perfectly. It's no tuxedo but it'll do. I also can see how her body seems as if it were sculpted by the gods themselves. Her beautiful dyed blond hair looks wild beneath her beanie. I slowly lick my lips.

My gods she's beautiful and all mine. I can feel what I can only describe as what must be a mating bond. The only thing left to do is look into her eyes, only then will I know for sure. I look to her face only to see that she's staring at... a squirrel? If I'm being honest, it's kinda hot and mysterious. What is she thinking about? I hope it's me. I'm going to be her mate of course she's thinking of me.

I take one step closer to her and then another, until I'm right next to her. She doesn't notice me at all and at this point I'm very confused. I reach up and gently tap her shoulder.

Bella P.O.V

What if squirrels work for the government as spies to track citizens? Like, they're fucking everywhere. They would make the perfect spies. Their speed,agility, and reflexes are amazing. Who could stop them? No one. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I quickly whip around to grab the offender.

I stop my attack immediately as my ruby eyes meet her golden orbs.

"Mary Alice?"

AN: Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter, I know it took me forever and I'm soooo sorry but I finally feel like I know where I want to take this book and I hope you are as excited as I am about it!!!
Sorry for all spelling and grammar mistakes 🙃

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