Chapter 1

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My life seems like a book. Every moment unfolding the next. Flipping away the pages in the chapters of my life. My mind believes I'm a walking biography so it thinks as if I'm talking to an audience. Now that I have a lot of  time, I think about a certain chapter in my life. If those years had swirled into a book it would be like this.

I opened my blue eyes and closed them, over and over again. The reason was not because there was something in them or because I had been staring at something bright for a long time. I guess I was hoping the view in front of me would somehow be different. Different than all the other times I had opened my eyes.

Of course every time I looked, my surroundings were the same. It wasn't as if I was exactly expecting it to be different in all honesty. If I had, something would have been wrong with me. My current situation would have been even worse than it already was.

In fact my situation was the reason why I was in the truck. The reason why I was going through the country for one of the last times in a while. Even the slightest thought of it gave me chills.

I closed my eyes again. Trying to push away my feelings of nervousness. Then I opened them. I stared hard at the steel wall in front of me. As I inspected it closely, I saw my small scrawny body being reflected back to me, although it was a bit fuzzy.

This image was not new to me though, I had seen it again for what had seemed like the thousandth time. Since they had put me in this truck, I had routinely repeated the pattern of opening and closing my eyes.

I heard a cough and turned as much as I could. A guard was standing beside me. I had almost forgotten he was there. After asking for his name at least twice so far throughout the ride, I had given up. He had not answered and my guess was that he was just not a friendly person. I was currently referring to him as Jim.

Jim stood near the back of the truck. He was wearing his tinted Ray Ban shades, and somehow consistently maintaining a scowl in my direction. The main reason I was afraid of him though was mainly due to the 9mm pistol he was tightly clutching in his hands.

Jim ignored everything I said, just showing me his unfriendly attitude. Although his silence could have quite possibly been to act professional, it seemed to me that he emitted a negative aura. I felt worse just being close to him.

In fact Jim was driving me insane. This was as a result of him and me being completely opposites. The fact was I liked talking, so much that I talked to show my emotions. Jim however like most men showed his feeling through actions, not words. He appeared to be the kind of person who did not like talking. Therefore us being together was doomed from the start.

True fully though, that quality about him only made me slightly hate him. The thing that peeved me off the most, was that every time I tried to talk to him, he would sneer in my direction. As he did that, he  would make a growling sound and that would instantly confirm my suspicions that something was wrong with him.

After an hour into the ride, I was starting to wonder what exactly his problem was since it was definitely not me. I was not a monster or anything like that.

The main reason I was here was probably based on a mistake. The judge had simply forgotten the word "not" once in his final speech to the court. This was what made Judge Clarson say what he had to all the people watching my trial in the courtroom or on the news.

He had said, "Bulgar Vincton is guilty with murdering Sara Parkins, Rob Sanders and Georgina Louistan."

Yeah I know what you feel, my mouth dropped down in shock when I heard it too. I know, it's a lot to throw on you at once but now it's out in the open. I'm not a guy to hide an elephant in the room.

Obviously after hearing that, the first thing that you're thinking is: "Wow Bulgar is such a bad name." At least that's what I thought.

Do not worry though it's not just you, many people thought I'm crazy. I was even brought to some doctors but as usual I proved everyone wrong. Just like I was convinced the whole time, the doctors told me I wasn't crazy. Which was not shocking because in my opinion I'm not even close to being crazy. Well maybe on second thought, I'm a little crazy. Just a little bit.

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