Chapter 1 - Intro

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I knew moving was the correct decision to make, and I knew my father would be happy. But I didn't know how my mother and Phil were going to cope without me. I'd often wondered what Forks was like now, especially seeing as though I hadn't visited since I was twelve; I'm now seventeen. I'd hoped not much had changed just so I could remember where the local shop was at least. But I feared even that had changed.
As the sun set on my last night in Phoenix, Arizona, Phil and my mother were throwing a 'party' just to wish me good luck at my new school. They seemed hopeful that I might change my mind and stay with them, but they were travelling. Phil's a minor league baseball player which meant he'd be on the road a lot. My mom told me that she'd already found the prettiest, little house for us all down in Florida; and as much as I loved the sun, I figured it was time to see Charlie. I take after him in many ways: his quietness, his big brown eyes and his thick dark brown hair. I didn't get the best deal but to me it didn't matter, he's my dad and I'd love him no matter what he looked like or what he did. Charlie's in the force and he's the chef of police in the quiet town of Forks. He's been in the force since I was a baby. Apparently he joined because he wanted to protect my mom and me. Well, he didn't have to do that for long as when I was just over a year old, my mom filed for divorce, left and took me with her. And we've lived in Phoenix ever since. Our house is right on the beach and it's bliss to just wake up every morning knowing that the ocean's right outside. My mom said that this would be my house when I get older and have kids, well I can't really see that happening. None of the boys here have ever taken the slightest bit of interest; it's probably because they've seen the ugly process of pubity. I've never had a boyfriend and I've never loved anyone besides my family. So I really doubt Forks will change that.

More chapters coming:)

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