Chapter 5 - First Day

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Bella pov

The school wasn't hard to find, but then again, Forks is so small so everything is easy to find.

As I drove through the school gates at a very high speed, my only thought was that I love my bike. She's an absolute dream to ride and she's got the best paint on her I've ever seen. Looking around for somewhere to park I saw old cars, new cars and many faces that were in shock. I couldn't help but laugh at them. When I finally found somewhere to put my bike, I noticed I had a crowd forming around me and my bike."Oh god she's a beauty! Look at that paint job, I wonder who's riding it." I heard someone say. With my bag still on my back, I unzipped my leather jacket, took off my helmet and put my hair back in its place. As I turned around to face the audience I had created, many faces dropped; many whistled and I blushed. As I walked through the crowd of people, guys tried to slap my arse but I was having none of it. Charlie had taught me some basic self-defence when I had stayed with him, and let's just say it definitely came in handy.

The first thing I had to do was go to the main office to collect my timetable and some stupid welcome pack that had everything I needed in. As I walked up some stairs a guy came up to me and tapped me on my shoulder. "You're Isabella Swan aren't you?" He said. "Just Bella, but yes I am." I replied. "Hi, I'm Chad. Can I just say, your bike is amazing; I've only ever seen one on the computer." He stated. "Hey Chad, yeah she is isn't she. I only got her this morning. Hey can you show me where the main office is? I've got no clue where I'm going." I asked him. "Yeah sure, I'm heading that way now just follow me." He said."Thank you Chad." I said. He smiled and as I looked around at the crowd that was still around my bike; they just stared at us walking away. Why is everyone staring at us? Why am I drawing so much attention to myself? Well, I did just ride to school on one of the fastest bikes in the world so that's probably why.

"Bella?" Chad said interrupting my thinking. "This is the main office, I have to get to class but I'll probably see you later." He said making it sound like more of a promise. "Okay, thank you." I replied.

I walked through the double doors to see a large lady behind the desk. "Can I help you dear?" She said kindly. "I'm Bella Swan, new student." I replied. "Oh yes, hello. Here's your timetable and your welcome pack. In your welcome pack there's your locker number and key, lunch card and map of the school." She said giving me everything. "Thank you, umm where's fashion studies?" I asked her. "Go out of here, turn right until you exit the building and then make your way to building two. Oh yes , I'll also need you to get your teachers to fill this out and then bring it back at the end of the week." She replied. "Okay, thank you." I said and I walked out of the door following her instructions. When I existed the building I saw that the parking lot was empty. I couldn't be late; crap.

I hurried to building two trying not to fall over in the process. As I eventually found my classroom everyone looked up and stared. I noticed the teacher wasn't even here yet so calmed down. The only desk that was free was the back one, so that's where I started walking to. As I walked past the other desks I heard them all gasping and looking shocked in horror like I was doing something I shouldn't. At that very moment, a small pixie like girl walked into the classroom. I saw her look around and smile, she then started skipping towards my desk. As she reached the desk, she stopped in front of me and said, "Hi I'm Alice". "Am I in your seat? Sorry, I'm new." I said quietly.

"You're Isabella Swan aren't you? Or do you prefer Bella?" She asked. Oh god, finally someone used Bella! "Yes just Bella. You're actually the first person to have said just Bella." I told her. "Well just Bella, in answer to your question, no it's fine I'll just sit next to you if that's alright?" She asked. "Yes that's fine." I said as I pulled out the seat next to me. Everyone stared in disbelief but again, I couldn't understand why. As she sat down next to me she couldn't stop smiling and just as I was about to ask what she was smiling at, the teacher walked in. She looked around looking for me and when she saw I was at the back, she too looked horrified. She told the class to quieten down and face the front; as they did she spoke. "Class, I'd like to introduce you to our new student Isabella Swan." She said pointing her finger towards where I sat. "Please come up to the front and tell everyone a bit about yourself." As I stood up I caught my foot on my chair and I'd of fallen if Alice hadn't of grabbed my arm. "Thanks" I mouthed to her. She nodded her head and smiled. As I got to the front of the class, the teacher told me to go ahead and start talking. "Hi I'm Bella Swan. I moved from Phoenix the other day, I just got the bike of my dreams and I'm crazy about fashion." I said going slightly red from embarrassment. "Thank you Bella." She said. As I made my way back to my seat, the only face I noticed was Alice's. It was lit up like a child's at Christmas. I could of sworn I recognised her. I sat back at my seat and Alice was practically jumping in hers. "Alice what's the smile for?" I asked laughing. "That's your bike outside?!" She exclaimed. "Yes... I got her this morning." I answered. "Oh wow! I've only ever seen one and that was in London. Can I ask, is that a vintage Chanel blouse? There were only one hundred made and I've been dying to get my hands on one!" She said. "Hehe why yes it is. I got it a couple of years ago at an auction in New York. It set me back a bit but it was definitely worth it." Alice nodded in agreement. "A blouse like that is definitely worth it! I never thought to look at auctions, thanks Bella." She replied. "No problem." I said. She smiled as our teacher brought the class back from their conversations. The rest of the lesson all we talked about was clothes and what we had and didn't have; I'm so jealous of Alice! She has clothes and shoes I could only dream of and that's saying something. We also talked about my bike and she told me that both her and her sister Rosalie loved it. I told her that they could come take a look when school ended; she loved the idea and was quick to say yes. Just as we finished talking, the bell rang. I had physics next so I asked Alice where it was and she pointed me in the right direction. I thanked her and started making my way over to physics.

New Beginnings (A Twilight fan fiction) (O.N. H.O.L.D)Where stories live. Discover now