Chapter 7 - First Day....

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Bella pov

Thanks to Rebecca we got to Algebra first and we sat together near the front. Once we'd sat down we got on with some easy starter that was on the board and we'd finished it by the time everyone else had entered the classroom. When the class had ended, Rebecca told me that she had French next so we said goodbye and we went our separate ways. I got to P.E rather quickly as it wasn't far from Algebra. P.E was another subject I loved. I loved all sports and back in Phoenix I was involved in every sporting activity and event. I got changed and made my way into the gym. Once in the gym I saw we were doing basketball; one of my all time favourites. "Hey Bella." I turned and saw Chad standing behind me. "Oh hey Chad." I replied. "So Swan, you any good at basketball?" He said laughing. "You'll see." I winked and walked away.

Chad was gutted. We played Boys vs. Girls and the girls won; courtesy of moi. I scored almost all of the points and everyone was shocked at how well I played. The coach came up to me at the end and practically put me on the school team. I had textiles next and then I'd be able to go home. In textiles, I ended up sitting next to Alice again and then her sister walked in. "Alice, I can't wait to go and see that bike!" She said practically running over to where Alice and I sat. "Rosalie, this is Bella." Alice said putting her arm around me. "Oh, I'm sorry Bella I didn't see you there." She said shocked. It was almost as if she hadn't really seen me at all. "Hi Rosalie, and it's okay I can't wait for you to see her either. You're going to love her." I replied laughing. She smiled and sat down next to Alice. They were both so good at textiles and that made me want to try harder. At the end of the lesson they were both jumping in their seats just waiting for the final bell to ring. And then it did. They were straight out the door and Jasper was already waiting outside the room for them. When I'd eventually got my stuff together and re-joined them, they literally dragged me outside and to anyone who didn't know what was going on, it would of looked like a kidnapping. I hadn't noticed but we were stood right next to my bike..were we going that fast? "Well, here she is." I said. "Wow! Bella you're so lucky! I've wanted one of these for years." Rosalie stated. "Haha thanks, yeah same and I didn't even know I was getting one, it was a surprise from my dad." I replied. All three of them smiled at me and Alice and Rosalie started talking in unison I could hardly catch anything they said. "Bella! Are you listening? Can you take some pictures of us with the bike please?!" Alice shouted at me. They sounded like two small children at a fair, I couldn't say no. "Yeah course." I answered them. I got my phone out as they positioned themselves around my bike. As I took over ten pictures, their inner models were definitely showing. "I'll email you them later if that's alright, I've got to get home." I finally said after I stopped laughing. They looked generally upset and I reminded them that I'd bring the bike everyday. They smiled and hugged me; Jasper took Alice's hand and they went. I put on my helmet and rode home.

It didn't take me long to get home and to be honest, I was so happy to be in the warm. After I put my bike in the garage, I went into the house and up to my room. I put on one of my comfy t-shirts and sweats. This was the only time I wore something that wasn't designer; even my pyjamas were designer. All I did until Charlie came home was watch TV. When he did come home, he ordered pizza and I went and did some homework. My homework was Algebra and it was advanced; it took longer to do than it probably should of done. But when I'd finished, the pizza arrived so I went down and Charlie and I finished the entire large pizza in ten minutes. Afterwards, Charlie went and watched baseball so I thought now would be a good time to email the pictures to Alice.

Monday 2nd September - 21:30pm

Hey Alice,

Here's the pictures I took at school and next time, just go and see her yourself, you honestly don't need to ask:)


After I sent the email (with 15 attachments) I went for a shower and got ready for bed. Surprisingly, today had tired me out more than usual so it was definitely time for an early night. I checked my laptop and there was a reply.

Monday 2nd September - 21:40pm


Thank you so, so much! I've already printed them out and I'm getting them framed tomorrow. Are you sure? Well then, I'll be spending as much time with your bike as I can!:) And Rosalie says thank you too; she can't wait until tomorrow. Can't wait to see what you'll be wearing;)

Love, Alice

I replied instantly.

Monday 2nd September - 21:45pm


Of course it's okay and tell Rosalie it's okay. And yeah, I have no idea myself what I'm going to wear so I guess we'll both see how I look tomorrow:) Anyways, I'm going to sleep now, goodnight.


She didn't reply so obviously she was aware that I was tired and going to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2013 ⏰

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