Chapter 9

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Abeer: u irritate uncle too much that he himself takes back ur custody case.
Meher: but how?
Abeer: Take advantage of having a puppy
Meher smiles.
Meher: OK...nice plan han, thnx

The next thing Meher did was surprising for Abeer. Meher kissed his cheek.
Abeer: Meher yeh kia tha?
Meher: thanks samjho
Abeer smiles.
Abeer: Thanks ya phir kuchh or?
Meher blushes and turns.
Abeer: Now let's do the work we were supposed to do, our project remember?
Meher: ohh yes, but how will we do research? There's no computer here
Abeer: Half is completed, u do the rest tomorrow from library
Meher: smart han.
Abeer: now I m going, bye have fun
Meher: bye I will miss u
She hugs him tightly before he goes.
Abeer: itna tight hug? What happen? U OK? Stressed ho kya?
Meher breaks the hug and nods no.
Abeer: don't worry about Akshat, he won't do anything.
Meher: I didn't knew u r a mind reader as well...bye gud night.
Abeer: bye
He leaves from the balcony.

Meher sits on the bed and Johnny clings to her from back.
Meher: Johnnyyy my baby, will u do something for me?
Johnny barks
Meher: come
She takes him with her to Shyam's bedroom, she sees him and Sudha asleep.
Meher: Johnny, look at that bad uncle, my so called papa, he has troubled us whole life n now sleeping peacefully, just like he troubled me, u trouble him during he's asleep.
Johnny barks and goes inside and climbs on the bed. He pees near his face, he makes faces in his sleep and slowly wakes up, Johnny runs till then and escapes with Meher to her room. She laughs and hugs him.
Meher: cutie pie, love u baby, let's sleep.
She switches off the light and Johnny sleeps in between her and Tillu.

Its morning. As usual, Meher would make her own breakfast and gets ready for school. She goes out of the house with Johnny and leaves him to her mother's house. She meets her mother and hugs her. Without her blessings her day would be incomplete. She takes Cabir, Tunnu, Ishani, Lavanya and Abeer with her and together they walk to school. It was her daily routine to tell them the pranks she played on Shyam and laughingly they talked the whole way to school.

They reach the school and meets Sasha and Nisaar, and as usual after assembly they went to their class. Meher sits on her new place and gets relieved on seeing Akshat not there but to her bad luck he comes to the class and sits beside her. A peon comes.
Peon: Meher Purohit is called to office.
Meher goes to the office. To her surprise she sees Shyam. He gives her some papers. Meher smiles reading them. It said:
"The custody of Meher Purohit is permanently given to Suman Purohit on court orders."

Meher: Finally u r out of our lives my so called father.
She grins and goes.

So I end this part here, did u like it? Guys should I show a leap or do u want to see the whole journey of school life and college life and vice versa? Do u all 😘

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