Chapter 31

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The next day, Mehbeer go to college together with Anmol following them.
Meher: y was that boy following us yesterday?
Abeer: I think he's after u
Meher: seriously? What did I do? Instead he fell on us.
Abeer: leave that donkey, your body isn't paining right now, is it?
Meher: nope, m ok.
Abeer: give me a kiss, its been long.
Meher: what? In the middle of the road?
Abeer: oh plz u r just pretending that u don't like to do so, I know u don't care about our surrounding.
Meher: ohh how well u know me

She kisses him on cheek and sees Anmol from the mirror.
Meher: he's again following us.
Abeer: he might be going to college.
Meher: oh

They reach and he puts brake on the bike, she jumps a little forward and holds him.
Meher: do it slow, I would've fallen.
Abeer: oh sorry

They get down the bike and go inside hand in hand. Anmol keeps following them.
Anmol: I want to tell her my feelings and he's always around her, what to do? Ugh
Mehbeer keeps walking and trip, Anmol runs and holds Meher.
Meher: leave me
Abeer frees her from his grip straightening her and holds his collar.
Abeer: how dare u touch her?
Anmol: I was just saving her from falling.
Abeer: oh I m there for her.
Anmol: so what wrong did I do?

Meher takes Abeer away from there.
Anmol smiles looking at her as she goes. They go to their class and Anmol sits behind them. He tears papers and throws them on Mehbeer.
Meher: let's teach him a lesson.
Abeer: haha will u give him a chewing gum with cockroach? Will u stick him with glue or will u throw eggs on him?
Meher: haha no those pranks are too old.
Abeer: let's make him bald.

Meher laughs.
Meher: no, let's make sandwich of sand for him.
Abeer: haha ok

Later, Meher and others were sitting on stairs as usual, Anmol passes by and Meher empties her bottle on his pants. Everyone laugh.

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