Chapter 7: 1057...Final Round

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I finally found the address. It was a hotel room. I knocked on the door and Kentino answered. "La'Shawn I'm so happy you're okay" Kentino shouted hugging me. "NeShawn gone" I replied hugging him back.

"I know, I told him to lay low with us" he replied. "Us?" I asked as he pushed me inside. There was a tall brunette girl lying on the bed. "This is Maria and she's going to make sure Marco doesn't find us" he smiled. "How?" I asked, "Well I'm going to watch him while you two wait out here" she butted in making her way to the door.

She bolted out and leaving me and Kentino alone. "So what are we going to do about Marco? Why isn't your crew helping" I replied. "Marco took them out, only one left is Maria" he sniffled.

When we turned on the TV Ne Shawn's "Death" was on the news. I was so disappointed in myself, I was so dumb, Marco was a manipulator. I fell for his charm thinking Kentino was the bad guy the whole time. "You know it's okay to be upset" Kentino smiled rubbing my back. "Yea I know" I replied lying back on the bed.

"None of this is your fault" he said. "It kinda is" I replied. He laid back against the bed and turned to face me. "You were just the new girl who got caught in some bad boy business " he laughed. "Yea but I didn't think it'd be like this, it seems like Marco always had problems"I sighed.

"He did, the only reason this Slone Vs. Letizes thing started was because he killed my cousin" Kentino replied. "He said you killed his" I groaned. I was tired of finding out all the real stuff when it was too late. "Why didn't you give me a chance, I mean you joined me then snuck around with him" he said. "Marco just caught me at a very vulnerable stage in life, and you kept everything friendly" I smiled.

He smiled at me and leaned forward. "And all I needed was a friend" I said once more putting my head in his lap. We sat for hours just staring at the wall, talking about everything. Waiting for Maria to come back with good news. It was nice to be intimate without touching.

We stayed in the hotel room for weeks. We hadn't heard from Maria since she left. "I'm worried Kentino, what are we going to do if he finds me?" I groaned. "I won't let him hurt you" Kentino replied handing me a soda. "Why don't we just go to the police, I mean I'm only 16 and I'm hiding out in a hotel."

My mother doesn't even care enough to find me, and my brothers there Ugh!" I yelled throwing the can to the wall. "Calm down, and we can't go to the police because I'm no snitch" he replied. I rolled my eyes and looked out the window. "Everythings going to be okay" Kentino mumbled. I turned around to speak when Maria came to the door.

"Run" she shouted right before a bullet went through her head. The blood scattered across my face and I stood there. Kentino grabbed me by my arm and pulled me into the hotel bathroom. "Out the window" he shouted locking the bathroom door. Marco was banging on the door as we climbed out the window.

This boy was a total psychopath . We ran out and got into the car. It was crazy how this went from a small gang rivalry to a murder spree. "Where are we going?!" I shouted as Kentino shoved me into the car. "Somewhere Marco would never look for you" he replied.

When we fled the hotel room Kentino drove us to my Mothers place. "Are you insane? I'm not going in there" I pointed. He grabbed me by my arm and took me inside. As always the living room door was unlocked. My mother was strung out on the floor but there was no Tyrone to be found.

"La'Shawn is that you" my mother moaned lifting herself off the floor. "I'm going to lock the place up" Kentino said as he walked through the house. "What are you doing here?" My mother smiled. "I um just was feeling a little homesick, where's Tyrone?" I asked. "Oh he left" she laughed waving her hand.

"The place is locked up, I'm gonna take your mother up to her room." Kentino said as he lifted my mother over her back. I was thinking of what I was going to do when I got a hold of Marco. Then my mothers phone rang, I answered it. It was the hospital calling about De'Shawn.

The doctor was calling to tell my mother that De'Shawn didn't make it. I threw the phone and fell to my knees I couldn't take anymore. This time the crying was uncontrollable. This time I had given up.

The next morning while Kentino was sleep I snuck out to meet Marco. I texted him and told him I wanted to talk. I met him in the back of the pizza parlor where I first met him.

"I'm so glad you came" Marco smiled as we both walked in a circle around each other. "Yeah me to" I laughed being sarcastic. "So what do you want to talk about" he smiled showing all his teeth. In that moment I could see how heartless he was. "I just missed you and there's things I don't understand" I replied.

My phone buzzed and I looked down, it was Kentino he knew where I was, he followed me. I looked over to see him hiding behind a bin in the alley. "What don't you understand?" He laughed stroking my hair. "I don't understand why you killed Rico, Ne'Shawn, Mimi,Or Maria" I sighed. "Well cause I'm a Slone and we're all a little wacky" he laughed pointing the gun at himself making gun noises.

"Your heartless, and you used me" I cried. He backed away from me and stood staring at me. "You know La'Shawn that's your problem" he shouted. "What is Marco?" I smiled. "You ask all the wrong questions, you ruin good moments" he shouted again aiming his gun at me. "Marco you need help" I cried putting my hands up. "So do you" he replied pulling the trigger of the gun

I thought I was dead, I opened my eyes and Kentino was lying on the ground bleeding out. He had jumped out in front of the bullet. "What the hell is wrong with you!?" I screamed trying to stop the bleeding. "If I die, promise me you'll kill him before he kills you" Kentino laughed as I stood up. I picked up Kentinos gun and cocked it back.

"What are you going to do shoot me " he laughed throwing his hands in the air. "Yes" I replied shooting the gun over and over again. I shot him 3 times, all the other rounds missed. I walked over to him and looked down at him. "Wow" he mumbled as he spit up blood. "Goodbye Marco" I smiled wiping tears away.

Then I felt it a sharp pain in my back, Kentino was stabbing me over and over again. I fell to the ground in shock, gasping for air. I was laying on my stomach I could see his feet as he walked over to Marco. My vision was getting blurry but I could hear."You're gonna finish me off big guy" "You're damn right" "Bang, Bang" That's all I heard.

"Kentino why" I gasped. "I had no choice, this was the plan from the beginning." "I always wanted to take out Marco but you made it easier" he smiled. I was so confused. "But Ne'Shawn" I mumbled, I could feel my body gettin cold. "I actually liked him, if you never came here Marco would've died with no extra deaths" He nodded.

"I didn't want to kill you but you chose him over me so now you get to die with him" He said. "I can't believe you" I cried trying to breathe. "Oh by the way your mother "accidentally" drowned in the tub" he laughed. "You're just as crazy as Marco, you stabbed me out of jealousy!" I gasped. He began rambling about how he was better than Marco. So I put my finger around the trigger and shot once more with the energy I had left.

The gun went off and he fell to the ground. "Go to hell" I laughed turning over onto my back. I had shot him in his stomach, he wasn't saying much. It was getting cold again, my adrenaline had kept me alive for this long. There in the alley lay Marco, Kentino and I.

Everything was coming to me in black and white. I was getting sleepy and my whole body was cold. Right before I closed my eyes I could hear sirens. I could hear officers, I guess somebody in this neighborhood finally went to the cops. As always in any town, in any neighborhood it was too late. Then it was quiet...dark and I swear to you I could see my brothers.

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