Chapter one

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Brightkit peaked over the edge of Icefur's nest curiously, the queen had just given birth the night before and she wanted to meet her new denmates. She looked down at the three tiny kits and smiled but, the moment did not last long. Her mother, Leopardflower, Grabbed her by the scruff and despite her small growl of protest, Brightkit let her mother haul her back to her nest where her brother lay sleeping. "Leave Icefur be." Leopardflower began to scold her quietly. "She's had a rough night and her kits need rest." And Brightkit looked at her tiny fluffy paws. "I just wanted to see them." She murmured. "I know," He mother replied calmly. "But they arn't going anywhere anytime soon." She pause. "You can meet them in the morning." Leopardflower gave her a comforting lick between the ears and Brightkit soon settled down curling up next to her brother, she soon fell into a deep sleep.


Brightkit sneezed as Softkit's tail swiped past her nose. She drowsily got to her paws and bounced over to Icefur's nest. Icefur was awake and tending to her kits. One of them had her eyes opened already, but the she-kit was also a lot bigger than the other two. Icefur smiled when she noticed Brightkit. "Do you want to know their names?" She asked quietly for one of the kits were still sleeping despite the mewls of her sisters. "Yes please!" Brightkit tried to keep her voice down though she could hardly keep her paws still and the white queen pointed to the large dark haired she-cat. "That's Whisperkit," she had pointed to a small reddish brown kit next. "That's Strawberrykit, and that," She point to the golden kit next. "That is Goldenkit." The queen finish. "There're so cute!" Brightkit did a little bonce and went back to her nest and found herself prodding Softkit in the side.

"Wake up wake up wake up!" She mew and when he didn't wake she nudged him with her muzzle. "Come on you lazy hairball." And she felt that she had won when he left out a sigh and got to his paws. "What do you want?" He asked and Brightkit laughed a little after she heard the annoyance in his tone. "You need to go see the new kits! There so cute! There's Whisperkit, Strawberykit and Goldenkit." But Softkit just stared at her his eyes heavy with sleep. "What were you doing yesterday that made you so tiered?" She ask.

"I caught a butterfly." Softkit puff out his chest with self importance.

"That'll feed the clan for a month!" Brightkit commented sarcastic. "I'll show you." Softkit jumped on Brightkit and the wrestled in the nest and before long she could hear her mothers soft Prmeow of laughter. "Thats enough." Leopardflower would say before grabbing Softkit and giving him a good grooming. "If you're going to play like that go outside, the weather is nice and warm today... in fact." She look at Icefur. "Do all your kits have there eyes opened yet?" She ask and Icefur shake her head. "Almost. Goldenkit and Whisperkit have, but Strawberrykit hasn't." And Brightkit would see a small dark head pop up from the edge of the nest and she recognize Whisperkit. "Come look up here Goldenkit! The Nursery is huge!" And not long after Golden kit clawed her way up to the edge of the nest. "Whoa!" She proclaim. Brightkit let out a small laugh. She remembered when she had just opened her eyes. The world had seemed to big and new compared to the darkness she had known before that.

"She'll open her eyes soon." Leopardflower continued the conversation with Icefur. "But until then," Leopardflower would turn her head to where Her and Softkit were sitting. "You'll just have to go outside on your own."

"Outside?!" Whisperkit would look at Goldenkit. "I whana go outside!" She jumped down from the edge of the nest and Goldenkit would follow. "Strawberrykit!" Goldenkit was talking. "Open your eyes so we can go outside!"

"She'll open her eyes when she's ready." Icefur soothed  the young kits, then a new voice began to speak. "Yeah, I'll open my eyes when I'm ready." Brightkit guessed that was Strawberrykit. She flashed a look at her brother. "First one to the fresh kill pile gets to be leader." Then she rocket out of the den and she could hear the small yowl of protest from her brother but she didn't turn or slow down. She scampered all the way across the clear almost tripping Leafdapple as she did. She was first to the fresh-kill pile and when Softkit finally caught up she couldn't help but rub it in his face. "I won! Now I get to be leader."

"That's nor fair you cheated!" Softkit would protest. "So, Theirs no such thing as cheating when your fighting a shadowclan warrior."  Brightkit would counter. "Yeah but, thats different." He mewed back. Brightkit just held her head high. "It doesn't matter, I still get to be leader."


All my hard work. I'm so proud of this! I hopw you enjoy it as much as I did :3

Stormclan's Wish (Part one) 'Before the Begining'Where stories live. Discover now